Neil deGrasse Tyson makes Misteakumm – IOTW Report

Neil deGrasse Tyson makes Misteakumm

The pompous pseudo-intellectual made a statement on Twitter and was called out by Steak-Umms!!!!


I don’t like Steak-Umms, but I may buy them as a reward. Tyson is a putz.

38 Comments on Neil deGrasse Tyson makes Misteakumm

  1. I have no intention of buying any Steak-umm products – but I now follow them on Twitter.
    They will likely see the Goya effect, if there is negative backlash. When Goya got slammed because their CEO said nice things about Trump I looked into buying their stock. Unfortunately they are privately owned. They have done very well since then.

  2. I used to live on Steak-Umms back in my younger days. Have not had one in years, but I just added them to my shopping list! Neil deGrasse Tyson is what my son calls a pseudo-intellectual. He seems to use a lot of five dollar words that he probably does not understand. Some people seem to like that sort of thing. The shows that I have seen him in just seem like a bunch of condescending drivel uttered by an affirmative action hire.

  3. I’m a simple machinist that complies to ISO 2015 and AS9100. We need to rely on “Documented Information” to make shit work. Mil-Spec, AMS, ANSI. Interesting that we are more documented then Science “Fiction”,

  4. The concept of the Scientific Method is totally foreign to Progs. Everything is political and they bastardize everything they touch with their closed minded arrogance. Everything.

    The fact that they declare “settled science” betrays their insincerity regarding the very nature of scientific inquiry. They have earned the contempt that honest and sincere scientists hold them in.

    I have no use for them or their opinions whatsoever. They are nothing but thugs of the lowest order and the tawdry trash, utterly unworthy of even a modicum of respect. The jokes they have made of themselves leaves them beneath contempt.

  5. In the vernacular: Tyson got himself intellectually dickslapped right out of his socks.

    I just hope the moron doesn’t know when to stop digging. His position is untenable and nothing would please me more than to watch him reduce himself to a quivering puddle of tears trying to dig his way out of this.

  6. Tony “The Worm” Fauci needs to meet Neil “The Ass” Tyson in a Cape Cod Bath House and see who can unbuckle the Belt of Orion first. What a douche duo.

  7. Over educated derelict! Does he think using 3 names gives him more creditability? LMAO
    Tyson doesn’t know everything, he’s a great big poser stick who shouls stick to the astrophysics and planetary sciences.

  8. Brad
    APRIL 14, 2021 AT 10:43 PM
    “I’m a simple machinist that complies to ISO 2015 and AS9100. We need to rely on “Documented Information” to make shit work. Mil-Spec, AMS, ANSI. Interesting that we are more documented then Science “Fiction”,”.

    …and just because a procedure is documented doesn’t mean it’s any good…

  9. There’s a difference between “Truth” and “Facts.”

    Science deals in facts.
    Philosophy deals in truths.

    We search for truth but we discover facts.
    Kneel Yo’Greasy Tyrone is a pretentious piece of shit.

    Kneel, how do you explain that both the particle and wave theories are correct when you pontificate of truth?

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. I love how NDGT capitalizes science, as if it’s a proper noun. He’s probably also one of those woke cretins who capitalizes “black” when referring to people.

  11. @ Redgrandma APRIL 15, 2021 AT 7:30 AM

    I don’t eat much processed meat, but meat is meat and the chopped and pressed products are still meat. It comes from between the ribs and such and otherwise would go to waste, but it is all meat. Some of the favorite cuts today were shunned in the past.

    I eat a lot of deer and elk and my canned tuna is one solid fillet, but there is nothing wrong with canned tuna nutritionally that is flakes of fish other than I don’t eat tuna packed in water, be it spring water, tap water or whatever.

  12. Brad
    APRIL 15, 2021 AT 7:35 AM

    You sound like Tyson. Documented Info and process control are two different things my friend”

    …tell me about it. I’m an instrument technician in a Federally regulated food plant that has to document everything to the satisfaction of three separate sections of the Code of Federal Regulations, as well as develop and prove compliance in writing with customer-specific requirements including ISO certification and Safe Quality Foods (SQF) regulations and development of HAACP programs while complying with regulations from everyone from the City fire inspector to RIA rules about program and panel structure to AMSE rules about how we can weld our process vessels.

    And that’s just the last 25 years, I can go back before that into the blizzard of paperwork I needed to have and do for my medic and firefighter licenses.

    So trust me, I KNOW what a heavily regulatory environment IS.

    It was a JOKE.

    …Lighten up, Francis…

  13. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS

    “You sound like Tyson.”

    That was my poor attempt at humor early in the morning. You know and I know all these so called scientist are starting with the answer and trying to justify the equation. That never works. In my biz it would be a kin to trying to inspect a discrepant part into print. (compliance)


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