Netanyahu formally returns as Israel’s prime minister, protests ensue – IOTW Report

Netanyahu formally returns as Israel’s prime minister, protests ensue


 Benjamin Netanyahu formally became prime minister of Israel again, starting his record-setting sixth term in leading the nation with arguably its most conservative government in ages.

Netanyahu and his Lapid Party spent weeks building a governing coalition with right-wing parties, replacing a government mixed with moderates, anti-Netanyahu conservatives and Arabs that eventually fell apart.

Feelings appeared to still be raw with Netanyahu’s return with the outgoing prime minister, moderate Yair Lapid, leaving the plenum without shaking his hand during the swearing-in. Netanyahu had also refused to hold the traditional transfer-of-power ceremony with Lapid.

Opponents argue that Netanyahu’s government has already made strides to restrict the rights of minorities, alter the system of governmental checks and balances, hollow out the Israeli judiciary, exert influence over the army and security forces, and allow harsher treatment of Palestinians in Israel and the occupied territories.

Yael German, an ally of Lapid’s, resigned as Israel’s ambassador to France in protest of Netanyahu’s government.

“Sadly, the government you established and lead includes representatives of parties whose extreme positions are expressed in its guidelines, in its policies, and in statements on legislation — illegitimate legislation in my eyes — it intends to pass,” German wrote in her resignation letter.

5 Comments on Netanyahu formally returns as Israel’s prime minister, protests ensue

  1. Welcome back BiBi, I love you, America loves you. You have kept peace. I love hearing of all your heroism and loving leadership.

    God be with you In all your future endeavors you are a hero.

  2. hmm, which side of the political divide complains and protests when someone legally wins?
    For those who say Trump didn’t accept it, he wasn’t saying that the Pretender didn’t win, he said that there was evidence that he probably didn’t win and wanted a justifiable recount and review.


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