NETHERLANDS: Elderly Woman Forcibly Euthanized – IOTW Report

NETHERLANDS: Elderly Woman Forcibly Euthanized

Out: Sweden.   In: The Netherlands.

The Left Will Now Begin To Tout the Netherlands as the Model Country To Emulate.


“The doctor ordered her own family to physically hold her down”-

When the doctor came in to euthanize her, the patient was not informed of what was going to happen to her, to ‘avoid unnecessary distress.’ She was given coffee with a sedative in it, but she refused to drink it — and then struggled as the doctor tried to kill her. She fought so fiercely that the doctor ordered her own family to physically hold her down, and she was forcibly euthanized.


This gives the left a chubby.

This is their dream state.

28 Comments on NETHERLANDS: Elderly Woman Forcibly Euthanized

  1. This sort of thing is why limiting government power is so very important.
    Governments too often make acts that are morally wrong – legal. And “forcibly euthanized” is legal murder of an innocent person, unless the person being killed has been convicted and sentenced to death for murdering or committing other great crimes against innocent people.

  2. We just can’t have people arbitrarily refusing medical treatments on a whim such as not wanting to die at this moment. If everyone had that attitude it would be very inefficient to have a proper euthanasia program. These things have to be done correctly.

  3. A guy could make a living out of this. Holding people down, dragging them behind a boat, giving a good push at the overlook, or like Lenny… elders would pay good money to have those last moments on their terms, or not.
    One could call this bidness “The View From Here”, or just “The View” for short.

  4. Shades of “Logan’s Run”, “Soylent Green”, abortion, Nazis……
    There was a woman at the farmer’s market last week getting people to sign a “Death with Dignity” petition.
    Like lizards. Cold blooded and scaly.

  5. Free medicine’s a bitch. Sometimes, like Obama said, you just have to give grandmama a pill.

    And the left said there would be no death panels.

    The left is a death cult. There is just no way around it.

  6. Late, late, late, term abortion. Once the left legalized the slaughter and body parts harvesting of perfectly viable babies, the slippery slope got more slippery, with blood.

    The NAZIs knew exactly how to do it; dehumanize, then destroy. The leftist are working the same tactics on President Trump and America.

  7. I look forward to the day (Science let it be soon!) when Americans (especially the New™) embrace (at least accept) Involuntary Euthanasia™! For the Greater Good™ (Let it be so!). For the Minority Good™ (So mote it be!). For my good (Oh, yeah!). Allmen.

    I don’t play a doctor on teh interwebz. But I can buy a title (if it’s worth the Investment™).

  8. I’ve got a dead mans switch, and if its not reset every day, before a certain time, the family’s going to be in for a very big unpleasant surprise.

    I call it life insurance.

    because, I’m leaving this place on my own terms.


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