#NeverTrump delusional about their role in helping Hillary – IOTW Report

#NeverTrump delusional about their role in helping Hillary

I’m not leaving this alone because #NeverTrump thinks they can do what they are doing and their hands will remain clean if Trump loses.

Their hands won’t be clean. Their hands will be dirty.

One “doe in the woods” is Ben Shapiro. After Laura Ingraham said that #NeverTrump would bear responsibility for a Trump loss, Shapiro explained why Ingraham is wrong.

Shapiro says-

I don’t owe my vote to anyone. I certainly don’t owe it to Donald Trump. If I choose to vote for Trump, that’s one vote for Trump and one against Hillary. If I chose, God forbid, to vote for Hillary, that would be one vote for Hillary and one against Trump. If I choose neither, neither gains nor loses a vote.

This is called mathematics.


Math doesn’t editorialize. You’re not doing what you do in a vacuum.

Yes, you have the right to not vote for Trump, nor Hillary, and on paper it would appear that you represent “null.” But let’s not kid ourselves that this is your total impact.

The constant browbeat of Trump, with some #NeverTrump sites gleefully reporting absolute garbage (Trump made a mother joke at a progressive!!!!!!!!!!), are performed in order to dissuade others from voting for Trump. That is a de facto shilling for the other side.

There is energy being invested in making sure the undecided understands the crapness of Donald Trump, as you see it. This dispelled energy is not necessary if you’ve already made the personal and private decision to not vote for Trump. But you’re dragging along others with you. This belies your “mathematics” defense that you, Ben Shapiro, represent “null.”

Sorry. You will be responsible for a Trump loss and a Hillary win simply because your mouth is moving. Your arguments are meant to be influential, are they not?



44 Comments on #NeverTrump delusional about their role in helping Hillary

  1. “I don’t owe my vote to anyone.”

    That kind of gets my blood pumping. He sounds just like he looks. A little immature pretty boy. If he calls himself a conservative what does he owe fellow conservatives. What about voting FOR the Constitution little Ben because there won’t be much left of it after Hillary is thru with it. And if you’re depending on Republican Law makers to stop Hillary look back. Exactly where and when have the stopped Berry? Oh and kiss the supreme court good bye. Little Benny you are a fool.

  2. While we get to sit around and philosophically discuss not voting for the most conservative candidate that can win in our comfortable AC homes how about what the Founders would think of this BS. “Oh golly who should I vote for to keep my ‘principles’ given my principles don’t have a tether to reality or preserving a Republic”… people with the luxuries we have today so willingly to give everything up to make some ridiculous stand that they don’t like a candidate and hence everything people sacrificed hundreds of years ago can be so casually thrown away to make a point. Treason if you ask me.

  3. Off topic but related, at a rally today, as a heckler was being led out of the site Trump hollers out, “your mother is voting for Trump”. That is funny as hell! Keep it coming Mr. Trump.

  4. McCain and Romney both faced similar groups when they ran, even Reagan faced it.
    It always exists in every presidential election, but it is never the deciding factor in the election. I remember Republicans saying “I would open a vein before I’d vote for McCain”.
    Yeah McCain lost, and Romney lost, but not because of the minority Republican opposition.
    If Trump loses, it won’t be because of the minority opposition he faces either.

  5. joe6pak, that will not go unchallenged. The MSM will track the heckler’s mom so they can get her on camera to say she hates Trump, followed by an appearance behind Hillary at a Rally. And then Cornel West, or Beyonce, will say that a white racist like Trump doing the dozens is an unforgivable insult to African Americans.

  6. “Yeah McCain lost, and Romney lost, but not because of the minority Republican opposition.”

    But I keep hearing NT [the minority R opposition) saying, “YOU NEED OUR VOTE”.
    So do we need their votes or not?

  7. Ben, a couple of questions:

    What was your price for wearing the Hillary kneepads?

    Where does a thumb put kneepads?

    Sorry, the second question was not for you. I just thought you might know.

  8. For a seemingly smart guy who has all the answers when arguing his point on other subjects, he sure is leaving out all of his negative bullshit about Trump and how it may be swerving fence sitters to vote for Hillary. “My not voting for Hillary or Trump is a null. It’s simple math”. What bullshit.

  9. I admire master Shapiro’s principles And his dogged determination to stand by them. His principles are much like mine.

    However I keep my eyes open all the time. Well Johnny Cash and I do.

    And sometimes it’s best to reassess the terrain, the position of the enemy, troop strength and the result of the enemy triumphing. It’s all about outcome.

    What would America look like after 4-8 of the Clinton crime family? Shit. I’ve barely survived the last 8 years.

    I sincerely ask you and fellow travelers who are so hell bent on to reassess. Pure mark levin and Ben Shapiro constitutional is our national wet dream.

    National survival is on the front burner for now.

  10. John,
    Where was the magazine that compiled a Ream Team and sent an open letter to America designed to make any Trump supporter feel like an asshole?
    Where was the open letter signed by dozens and dozens of GOP leaders designed to make any Trump supporters feel like they are supporting Adolf Hitler?

    Where were the orchestrated hashtags?
    And more importantly, where were the obstinate denials by the people not supporting McCain or Romney that they’d have nothing to do with a Barack Obama win?


  11. MJA, that is my point exactly.
    Their votes are not the ones Trump needs.
    The approx. 1/3 of the voters that like neither him nor Hillary at the moment are the ones that will decide the election.
    Don’t make the mistake of thinking that the people with beefs against Trump are the same as the nevertrump crowd. (I know they get lumped together around here a lot).

  12. BFH, hashtags?
    Where were the Tesla drivers back then?
    Or the IPhone 6 users?
    Actually, the idea of them being responsible for Obama’s win was never discussed. This whole scenario is as new as a Tesla, or hashtag, or Iphone6.
    The question is not why it wasn’t viewed this way in the past, but why it is viewed this way now?

  13. JohnS, We need EVERY vote we can get. Especially from people that are supposed to be on OUR team. Obviously they’re not. We need to hope like hell that the Monster vote is real.

  14. Go ahead, let her win.
    Let the left put a capstone on this country
    The Left intends to crash this country because this country stands in the way of the One World Government
    As long as we exist free and unbowed, they cannot complete their design.
    After eight years of shit-for-brains they are almost there, add four years of Shitlary and we are well and truly fooked.
    Think of that when the idea of prepping for 2020 comes up
    The Bird in the Hand is worth two in the bush.

  15. Hey Benny, wrong again!!

    The fact is that as successively fewer people participate by voting, there is increased power concentrated in the hands of the two parties which are run by very few individuals. That’s why, today, we have essentially a one party monopoly running America into the ground. If you work at it, you eventually demoralize citizens into apathy and then you count on voting blocs of reliable, groomed voters. The Left knows this in spades. Look it up.

    The irony of Shapiro’s Common Core math is that Trump had to muscle his way through one of the (if not ‘the’) largest slates of Republican primary contenders ever. And he did it by miles and without the help of the party machine. That’s an even bigger miracle.

    Shapiro is too intelligent not to know this; it’s PoliSci 101. He’s just trying to not look like a bigger ass than really is.

  16. “Writing off Trump voters as unenlightened and backward-looking (as National Review did and still does) is to engage in the very same kind of bigoted behavior that we condemn in other spheres.”
    E.J. Dionne writing in The Washington Post, as reported in the NY Post 8/9/16 p.21

  17. Sadly Mr. Pinko there’s ass holes over at the Right Poop threatening to Tar and Feather and Trump supporter they can after Trump loses. Check it out for your self. Boggles the mind. I’ll shoot them on site. That’s no bull shit.

  18. Well little snot goblin…..when you go and vote or not vote your conscious searching for the “perfect” candidate…..the USA falls into the hellion abyss with the election Wildebeest Clinton!!!! Thank you you self righteous POS!!!!!

  19. I’d like to point something else out. When Patriots are finally forced to defend themselves, these pussy NeverTrump assholes will be no where in sight. It’s how they roll.

  20. My guess is these people are elitist rich people. The Yale or Harvard crowd.
    30 year old snowflakes who look for Pokemon in their spare time.
    Our country would be different if there was 2 to 4 year mandatory service after
    high school. No peace corp. no rich people getting out cause they know someone.

  21. (wow. Memory holed again. I’m shocked. Let’s see if I can evade Skynet’s double post, double secret memory holing.)

    I can understand effort expended in the venues occupied by #NeverTrump, to point out the stupidity of their claims. That plays to the same audience they’re shilling to. I can not understand effort expended at #NeverTrump shills, themselves. The people telling the crowd to “Be sure you have your tickets. You can leave your luggage in the station.” as they are loaded into boxcars, know full well that the trains are not headed to the waterpark capital of der Lebemsraun. Even if they stop claiming to not know the route, they already know the result. That’s why they’re on the platforms. That’s why they’re allowed on the platforms.

  22. Am I right. Those demographics are confusing. I no longer question there motive or walk of life. But they are not like us. They sure as hell are not Consituionalist. Most of us here are, I for one sure as hell am. Like I say, they’ll be hiding in Super Mexs lap face down when the shit starts. If there’s a God he will let me meet that white asshole SupetMex. I’m confident I can carry the day verbally.

  23. Sorry Ben, but you DO owe your vote to America and the people who paid the ultimate price so you could have it. I realize you want to cling to your “integrity” and your “conservative values”, but when you toss your vote into the black hole of insignificance, all you have left is spite. It’s better you invest your values, integrity and vote into winning this election, where they have a chance of actually meaning something by having an effect on the outcome.
    I know you’re a lot smarter and better educated than I am, but that’s just the way I see it.

  24. It’s *not* about you,
    Ben, you little, narcissist twerp.

    It’s about saving our country.

    But thanks for making it clear to the rest of us
    your “principles” exclude that priority.

  25. So, if enough people bet on a three-legged horse, it can win the Kentucky Derby? The reality here is that, were it not for Hillary holding the number one spot, Trump would be the worst choice for a presidential candidate ever. Believe it or not, there are millions of people out there who don’t give a shit about either one of these two losers. To them, this election boils down to Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich. But of course, they aren’t nearly as smart as all of us who know the planet will stop spinning should Trump lose. And it will all be their fault. Curses!

  26. The more SHITPICKLES like this one fearlessly speak out, the more urgent my overdue visit to the shooting range becomes.

    You’re not a conservative just because you fancy yourself one, ASSHOLE, instead what you ACCOMPLISH absolutely PROVES what you are. And that goes for every gasbag GOP “leader” that evaded the Convention and has withheld his support for the GOP Nominee.

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