Fox News
The Trump administration is rolling out a new app to replace the controversial CBP One app with the new replacement designed to facilitate the self-deportation of illegal immigrants.
The Department of Homeland Security is announcing the CBP Home app — which will launch with a self-deportation reporting feature for those in the country illegally.
It replaces the CBP One app, which was expanded by the Biden administration to allow migrants to schedule appointments at ports of entry to be paroled into the U.S. Hundreds of thousands were paroled into the U.S. as a result. The Trump administration has ended the ability to use the app for that purpose. More
Love it. Good way to keep track of them leaving too.
I like my method of keeping track of the deportees better.
“Name? um humm. ID card? Ok. BRING UP THE TREBUCHET!!”
Call it “Hasta la vista, baby.”
Welcome to
It needs to have a GPS tracker built into it. If you’re not heading South, it will turn you in to ICE.
I heard that it has a compass built in that no matter what direction you think you are heading it’s really sending you south.