New CNN Boss In Secret Talks To Poach MSNBC’s Scarborough And Mika – IOTW Report

New CNN Boss In Secret Talks To Poach MSNBC’s Scarborough And Mika


Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski are in secret talks to save CNN, Radar has learned.

Sources tell thatCNN’s new boss Chris Licht, the man who made Joe and Mika morning TV stars on MSNBC, wants to bring the couple over to his new network. more

12 Comments on New CNN Boss In Secret Talks To Poach MSNBC’s Scarborough And Mika

  1. So much for REAL news.
    These two idiots are ratings draws? Seriously?

    Well, I suppose next to LeMon, Tater and Gloris Vanderbilt’s son.

  2. I started laughing when I read the headlines. Just looking at those two clowns is deserving of CNN to bring them onboard. MSM is no longer a trustworthy news source, that train left long ago. Ratings are zilch – yet they haven’t a clue.

  3. My parents live with me,they are in their 90,s.
    They binge watch CNN and the View.
    My sister drops by and brings them premade dinners.
    This is the audience the networks cater to.
    Got a spare room Joe can move into.

  4. Importing her father and putting him into the government is one of the biggest reasons to stop immigration dead in its tracks! And why, pray tell, is every crud, puke and jerkface that gets on TV called a ‘Star’? what a misuse of the word!!!

  5. Well, THIS will turn the ratings around out of its nosedive…..NOT!


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