New Generation- Same Idiocy – IOTW Report

New Generation- Same Idiocy

Smug know-nothingness is a hallmark of the young. Some grow out of it. The ones that don’t are the Left.

Listen to Abbie Hoffman to get an insight on the left during the 60s. Does it not sound like they exploit black people, and look down on them?

Scratch a leftist and you will find a narcissistic bigot.

They were all Charles Manson, to a degree.

13 Comments on New Generation- Same Idiocy

  1. Manson was a pussy. Didn’t have the balls to do the killings himself. Relied on others to do his bidding. Come to think of it, it’s a perfect parallel to the current leftist heirarchy.

    All that aside, Manson will never measure up to Dahmer, Bundy, Gacy et al. Fuckin’ poser.

  2. I just renewed my passport, and one of the questions on the form was identifying as something other than what I was born. I figure anything that you answer outside of what you have previously answered is different, that would be cause for them to not expedite your passport that fast. I would imagine I’d get plenty of pat downs at TSA by a tranny. How mortifying would that be?

  3. I feel sorry for the baby in the stroller surrounded by these stupid stupid people. They are being true to themselves! BS! Deep down they all know they are just cosplayers at a Libtard convention.

  4. Hoffman took a guided toured of the new J. Edgar Hoover FBI building, while he was on the Ten Most Wanted list. I detest his politics, but admire his chutzpah.

    Jerry Rubin died working as a stockbroker.

  5. Hoffman was found dead in his apartment in Solebury Township, Pennsylvania, on April 12, 1989, age 52.

    The cause of death was suicide by overdose from 150 phenobarbital tablets and liquor. Two hundred pages of handwritten notes were nearby, many detailing his moods. He had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1980.”
    Ref., Wikipedia.

    …Good Riddance!


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