New Hope For Fighting Leukemia – IOTW Report

New Hope For Fighting Leukemia

The University of Pennsylvania conducted a small clinical trial on fourteen patients with recurring leukemia. They genetically modified each patients T-cells then returned them to the patient to better fight the cancer.

T cell fight

The first four patients to receive the treatment have remained cancer free, the very first patient for five years.


I think a number of people are going to be pushing to have this new treatment on the market as soon as possible.


10 Comments on New Hope For Fighting Leukemia

  1. SDR – I don’t know if you’re interested but the nutrient zinc is critical to the formation of T-cells (the thymus gland creates them). There is a good bit of published info on the relationship of zinc and magnesium to leukemia (and treatments). Here are a couple of links:

    Zinc is responsible for the creation of more than 300 enzymes in the body an magnesium is responsible for more than 300 as well. The human body is can’t function without the enzymes it needs to produce. The loleralbe Upper Limit (UL) for zinc is 50 mg daily. The body generally absorbs it at about a 50 to 65% rate of efficiency depending on several factors including the formulation of the zinc itself (some supplements are bound with amino acids to aid absorption).

    It might be worth having your zinc / magnesium levels checked.

  2. Prayers for you, Struan.

    I worked for a doctor in the late 70s. One of his patients was a young girl about 8 or 9. When she left the office, Dr. told me that he diagnosed leukemia and I figured that I would never see her again. Less than 6 months she was leukemia free. Dr. told me that young kids with leukemia were practically assured of a great prognosis if diagnosed early. I always wondered why age made such a big difference. Still don’t know.

    Thank God for the researchers.

  3. Struandouglasrobertson, If it gives you hope, I survived a life changing, very rare cancer. No one expected me to survive this cancer as very few people do and yet I’m still here. I simply refused to give up. I’ll send some prayers your way and you keep fighting.

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