New Jersey Public School Teacher Caught on Camera Telling Students She Hopes They Die From Coronavirus For Playing Outside – IOTW Report

New Jersey Public School Teacher Caught on Camera Telling Students She Hopes They Die From Coronavirus For Playing Outside

Nope. She wasn’t wearing a mask while she was screaming at them.

The woman in the video, Nicole Griggs, has been a teacher in the district for the last 15 years.

27 Comments on New Jersey Public School Teacher Caught on Camera Telling Students She Hopes They Die From Coronavirus For Playing Outside

  1. See, everyone makes fun of Florida.

    I don’t get it.

    Rudest, most Quebec like assholes, I have ever met are from Jersey generally. Obviously not everyone but…

  2. i bet she is still collecting her pay while not doing her job

    another chicken little running around telling everyone the sky is falling

    how many students has she molested in her life

  3. Local FB Page Woman reported that She saw 13 People on one Boat

    over the Weekend…First Comment ?

    “That’s a Boat full of Death”

    I quit arguing with Them…

  4. One must use discretion when accosting strangers.
    Parents with their brats fingering all the bagels in the bins? Accost worthy
    People minding their own business away from others? Piss off, it’s not your job.

  5. Jimmy
    APRIL 27, 2020 AT 5:01 PM
    “SNS – Claudia and I are from the Untied Federation of Planetoids.”

    …I’m afraid I’m from the Confederation of Hemorrhoids, where we couldn’t get rid of the Klingons until the toilet paper companies came back online…

  6. Jimmy
    APRIL 27, 2020 AT 5:33 PM
    “I’ll wager that didn’t sit well with you, SNS!”

    …it used to bother me, mostly because it wasn’t clear if hemorrhoids IS a pain in the ass or if hemorrhoids ARE a pain in the ass, until I realized that hemorrhoids, while plural, are a singular pain in the ass…

  7. This is ridiculous. How can a teacher say such a thing? We all know that how much Covid-19 is dangerous for us. We should be avoided to say these types of things. Well, I am also a student and nowadays we are studying online. Yesterday while searching online about a essay writing service, I come to know about website where I read about the how we can check paper for plagiarism and also found many more study-related information. I was really impressed with the service of this website and I will use it for my next essay writing work.

  8. “SNS – Claudia and I are from the Untied Federation of Planetoids.”

    What a coincidence! I’m from the Untied Federation of Hemorrhoids!
    We’re like … neighbors!

    izlamo delenda est …


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