The woman who was burned to death on F train in the Coney Island section of Brooklyn, New York has been identified as 57-year-old Debrina Kawam of New Jersey.

According to The New York Times, Kawam hails from Toms River, on the Jersey Shore. Kawam was set on fire and burned to death on December 22. Guatemalan illegal immigrant Sebastian Zapeta, 33, has been indicted for her murder. Cell phone video shows a man setting Kawam on fire then sitting on a bench to watch her burn to death.
Zapeta was deported previously during Donald Trump’s first term in the White House. He was deported in 2018 but then returned to the United States as a gotaway at an unknown time and location. He arrived in the US on June 1, 2018, and was sent away days later on June 7. more
A beautiful young lady set on fire by the Demoncrats.
President Trump, In G-ds name destroy these criminals equal to the crimes they create.
I will guarantee you this little missing link of a man picked her because she was white. Someone should have kicked him off the planet on the spot.
I wish white peoples where just as racist and violent as the Jew owned media portrays us to be. Because if we were a 1/10 of what they say about us, this would have never happened.
Did you know that a “Hate Crime” can only be committed, charged and found guilty of a white person?
If there were ever a case for summary judgement and immediate execution this is it.Everybody bitching about these animals’ “rights”. They’re not American citizens and should not be afforded our legal protections.
hate-crime: something a nlawyer pulled out of its ass
Let’s deport him again. One piece at a time.
Guy gets pushed in front of subway
Mayor Adams must mean like this random maniac attack that happened in Manhattan today.
NYC is a total shi*hole.
Eric Holder said white people can’t be victims of hate crimes.
Law & Order will show an episode of a white Conservative setting fire to an illegal alien. Then claim it is torn from today’s headlines.
I guess that explains why she, at 61 years old, was passed out drunk on a subway in the middle of psychotown. Poor thing. A life wasted.
1. American woman Burned alive by an illegal repugnant thug, welcomed by a deep blue democrat sanctuary. He enjoyed watching her die.
2. Nobody helped her. People, even the so-called protectors, looked the other way.
3. More gang and cartel monsters are violently attacking our border as we speak on (thankfully) the last day of the last yr of the Biden anti-American disaster.
Happy New Year, everyone.
“2. Nobody helped her. People, even the so-called protectors, looked the other way.”
I think that’s what bothers me the most. Nobody helped her, but everyone filmed it. What the exact fuck is wrong with these animals. I don’t travel to places I can’t carry my gun so you’d never catch me in that shit hole anyway. Or maybe we should all show up there with our guns and clean that shit hole out. A record setting militia. I’m sure the Guardian Angels would appreciate the help.
Agree, Brad.
How do these blue cities get away with taking away our 2A rights? I’d never go to NYC or so many others for that very reason. We who obey the laws are sitting ducks.
What would’ve happened if some white dude took this lowlife out?
Like I posted the other night. Some brave soul should take fat boi Alvin Bragg out. And then we should demand he be set free. In honor of Alvin Bragg. And of course George “The Anti Christ” Soros.
I have the same animosity toward SF.
I still grieve for the Kate Steinle family who lost their beautiful daughter to this bullshit, with no justice. We can’t carry but an illegal animal can steal a gun and shoot your girl down while trying to enjoy a nice evening on the wharf?
Fuck that.
We’re going to bury the left. Grab a shovel.
^^^ above as reply to Brad
@ 450: a hate crime is what some nlawyer pulled out of it’s ass
Kate Steinle is still an open wound and a glaring example of what happens when only the bad guys have weapons. As I’m sure you know I’m in NorCal. CCW instructors here warn you, don’t carry in SF. They’ll take your gun regardless of state law. However if your a little hood rat with a gun they’ll reward you with a get out of jail free card. Some seriously fucked up thinking. They’ve wrecked that once great city. Macy’s flag ship store is pulling out of Union Square. Nordstrum left a couple years ago. Welcome to the jungle. The once awesome Fairmont is now a fucking crack house. I’m good with the wild wild west scenario. But that would include SF Law Enforcement. I use to sell guns in south Sac to a couple guys who owned a gun shop there. Both S.F. Cops. Most Liberal pieces of shit I’ve ever sold guns to. For the life of me I could never understand why in the hell two idiots like these two would open a gun store. And then one day it dawned on me they considered themselves the end all and supreme arbiter of everything guns. They ate up my lowers but wouldn’t sell complete guns. We ended up in a heated discussion about weapons and who should own them. I told the I was done selling to them. Two months later their customer base caught on and they went OB. Being the asshole that I am I taunted them relentlessly to meet meet at a tactical range outside of SF county and lets shoot. I’m pretty damn confident with a pistol and would have accepted my challenge. Their refusal speaks volumes. At least to me. My point to all this jibber jabber is S.F. has spent years recruiting Law Enforcement flunkies that buy into their whack job ideology. They’ve bankrupted this once fine city. They’ve destroyed any type of morality. It’s now one of seven pillars of salt. San Fransisco should be used as THE test book example of how Liberalism destroys everything. I’ll shut up now.
This woman’s identity matters despite a life of bad judgement, misadventures and misfortune – ended by a random encounter with a psycho illegal. Her refuge on a subway train turned into a horrific death.
Debrina Kawam was a victim of a calculated, systematic evil leftist plot to harm as many Americans as possible. Unleashing millions of illegal criminals throughout the country. Yet, the left is determined to make her a footnote of this deadly policy they’re responsible for in every way.
99th Squad Leader – Am a resident of NYC and don’t ride the subway anymore. I am a “white woman” who used to ride them every day when I was working. Am only 5’5″ and weigh about 115 lbs and don’t take up a lot of room on one of those bench seats. For various reasons myself and my Late Great Husband decided to stay here and not move to warmer/less Taxing States. I can’t drive anymore and am within walking distance of 2 small supermarkets. My Church is one block away from my house. Used to be a Democrat but made the switch after seeing what the Republican Giuliani did for NYC. I listen to AM radio every day. Curtis Sliwa is a regular on WABC every day at Noon . Hubby and I contributed to his Mayoral campaign last time and am hoping that he’ll run again . Shame on the Democrats for wrecking the City and State of New York with their “Sanctuary” lawlessness.