New Leadership is Ending Ontario’s ‘Basic Income’ Pilot Program and the Left Goes Berserk – IOTW Report

New Leadership is Ending Ontario’s ‘Basic Income’ Pilot Program and the Left Goes Berserk


The Ontario basic income pilot project is coming to an end, says Children, Community and Social Services Minister Lisa MacLeod.

MacLeod said Tuesday that the project was expensive, and “clearly not the answer for Ontario families.”

She said the ministry would have “more details at a later date” about how the government would end the project.

Close to 4,000 people were enrolled in the basic income pilot program in Thunder Bay, Lindsay, Hamilton, Brantford and Brant County.

The pilot project started in April 2017. It was originally set to last three years, and explore the effectiveness of providing a basic income to those living on low incomes — whether they were working or not.

Under the project, a single person could have received up to about $17,000 a year, minus half of any income he or she earned. A couple could have received up to $24,000 per year. People with disabilities could have received an additional $6,000.

During the announcement, MacLeod was asked what data the province was citing when it said the program wasn’t working. MacLeod didn’t offer any examples, and instead just said it was “not sustainable.”

She said her government will end the program “ethically” for anyone who is currently enrolled. She did not say how long participants could expect their payments to continue.

The announcement prompted shock and anger among many who rely on the the project and felt they’d been lied to.

Dave Cherkewski is one of about 1,000 Hamiltonians who received guaranteed income.

“I’m in shock,” he said, reacting to news of the cancellation. “I had a three-year plan and now it’s gone.”


Awwwwwwwwwwwww. Now you know what it’s like to have the government take away your money, jus like what happens to the people who work and are forced to subsidize your lazy ass.

13 Comments on New Leadership is Ending Ontario’s ‘Basic Income’ Pilot Program and the Left Goes Berserk

  1. I woke up this morning really wishing I was getting a basic income because I didnt feel like working today. Then I remembered all the deadbeats I support by working and paying taxes and figured it would be selfish of me.

  2. It’s funny they had to try a pilot program to finally recognize the utter stupidity of this. You can just imagine the throngs of dirtbags lining up for this giveaway. Cutting them off is the start of much bigger problems. Get the popcorn ready because this is going to get real funny.

  3. You have a way of posting stuff, Fur, that coincides with my YT watching. Just last night I was listening to Walter Williams, Distinguished professor of Economics at George Mason University. He was speaking on his book, “American Contempt for Liberty.” A strict interpretation of the Constitution, He believes, provides no legal support for stealing from one sovereign American and giving their property to another. That to dig into your own pocket, of your own moral volition to help those in need is laudable, but for the government to do so is theft and despicable.

    He sums up these points beautifully within the first five minutes of the video, but the rest is definitely worth watching.

  4. That’s the problem with pretty much everything the left wants.

    It’s all mental gymnastics disconnected from the things that really influence the result. They live in a bubble of their own construction and don’t let in hard cold facts.

    Like Socialism being unable to function past the destruction of wealth that existed when it takes power.

    My most-lefty friend has lived off inheritance from his wealthy capitalist Dad his whole life.

    Yet, he hates capitalism – the thing that has allowed him an easy life.

    Short sighted in the extreme. Why I call leftism a 5 y.o.’s point of view. “Just get rid of the guns! Easy peasy! Everything will be ice cream and cotton candy after that!”

    Stupidest genius I’ve ever met.

  5. UBI is being proposed in Chicago. A sample of 5000 people are being selected to receive $500/mo for a year, costing the city $30 million. This is a pilot program, and if successful, will be rolled out to all Chicago residents.

    2.7 million residents in Chicago @ $500/mo = $16.2 BILLION.
    Chicago’s current budget is $8 billion.

    The math isn’t clear enough. Proceed with your pilot program.


  6. Just how stupid are Chicongo’s democrat libs? They don’t know yet but all government retirees are going to take very painful pension haircuts and they keep voting for democrats who come up with tax and spend schemes that will make pension hair cuts even more painful? Do they think 98 other U S senators are going to vote to bail them out?

  7. Toenex,
    I don’t care what people spend their money on. Technically once it’s given to them it’s their money. Same as I don’t want anyone to care what I waste my money on. $16B is a number that involves debt so it doesn’t really represent anything. There’s a magic unicorn in the land of rainbows who comes out and states we’re a wealthy country that should be able to afford anything. Chicago’s woes will be shouldered by said wealthy country in the eyes of a socialist. Now, when it comes to counting a fictional number of carbon atoms directly above the south pole, you better believe it that number is memorized down to the 10th decimal.


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