New London… – IOTW Report

New London…

ht/ riverlife callie

27 Comments on New London…

  1. @Thirdtwin:

    How we’ll get President Harris. Unless all their menfolk tell them to vote on Wednesday or something.

    Ooh, I like this. It has possibilities.

    “Darlin’, men vote on Tuesday and women on Wednesday. That way you women can see the Tuesday results and have time to decide how to vote to fix the things we men screwed up the day before.”

    Anyone who swallows that is the kind of voter we want going to the Wednesday polls.

  2. They tell you not to stick it crazy, but they forgot to tell him not to stick in stupid either.

    I have had conversations with my liberal friends like this. It’s like I need an encyclopedia and ALL the information in the world to get through their brainwashing. Every time I show undeniable truth they go silent.

  3. “The tattoos were the first clue.”

    I am old. No hiding that anymore. But absolutely hate ink on women. I don’t care what their physical attributes are. Drift, no longer interested. They’ve destroyed Gods perfection.
    I’ll address these bimbos bringing cameras in to my gym at a later date.

  4. This dingbat and her meathead husband are not funny. These two Millennial idiots are annoying. She’s arrogantly ignorant and he’s an enabler because…you know…the thing. The sex must be great. If this isn’t a parody, The future of The United States of America is hanging by a thread.

  5. @Thirdtwin:

    How we’ll get President Harris. Unless all their menfolk tell them to vote on Wednesday or something.

    But the Dems will open the polls again on Wed.

  6. When my daughter was living in Illinois she met a guy who thought Indiana, an adjoining state, was “out around Oklahoma somewhere?”
    That was the end of her interest.

  7. She is so sure of herself, she’s a really good actress, or she’s as dumb as a box of rocks.
    It’s getting where, like Sheldon, I cannot recognize sarcasm anymore.
    That’s saying something cause Dad was a master of sarcasm, I was raised on sarcasm.


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