New: Millions More From China To Bidens – IOTW Report

New: Millions More From China To Bidens

13 Comments on New: Millions More From China To Bidens

  1. GOP should consider the possibility of maybe investigating the chance that possibly Biden may have – perhaps through no fault of his own – accidentally, you know, because of course his integrity is well, for lack of a better word, unimpeachable, but accidentally somehow, I’m sure by mistake, ended up with some extra money. Which certainly wasn’t his.
    But GOP should, you know, check.

  2. Biden’s on the path of repaying his debts and killing that nasty US car industry all in one fell swoop. And saving China’s economy all in one fell swoop. He’s going to let China sell their EVs here Tariff free. Under an executive order in order to save the economy. Western Rifle Shooter has a reoccurring meme. Enjoy this year because next years going to suck. I can’t agree with the more. And I think next year starts 10-1-23. We will all realize soon, that we are, and have been, at war. We just haven’t been participating. But we will be shortly.


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