New trend sees glitter being put on dog’s testicles – IOTW Report

New trend sees glitter being put on dog’s testicles


A disturbing new dog grooming trend has seen people putting glitter on their pooches’ testicles.

Photos of dogs with decorated private parts are being shared on social media.

Owners have stressed that it’s edible glitter which is applied using corn syrup, so it’s completely safe.

The strange trend came to light after a picture of one of the dogs was shared on Groomery Foolery , a Facebook page for dog groomers .

They wrote: “I have seen so many things in this career. Very few things surprise me.

“Yet here I sit looking at glitter dog balls.

“Done using corn syrup and edible glitter. Those are some sweet balls.”

And they are not the only ones to share photos of dogs with the new accessory.

Royal Paws Pet Salon in North Carolina shared photos on social media, writing: “I just thought I would let everybody know the latest creative grooming trend is glitter balls!


ht/ petrus

34 Comments on New trend sees glitter being put on dog’s testicles

  1. I wonder if Rachel Maddow is going to see this trending and put glitter on her own balls?

    Kind of off topic but I was at the store today and I saw that they were selling lemon scented douche. Which really makes a lot of sense if you think about it considering that lemon goes so well with fish.

  2. The Phoenix Open is the highlight of super bowl weekend. And it’s not because of drunken streakers. I think my favorite tournament to go to would be The Masters, The Phoenix Open is second. That looks like a fun time.


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