New Type of Reparations Floated – IOTW Report

New Type of Reparations Floated

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When normal people have trouble sleeping, they read a book or watch television. When lefties have trouble sleeping, they come up with new plans to steal your money and buy votes with it.

Here it’s slavery reparations. Since the UK doesn’t have slavery, how about millennial reparations?

Should young people in the United Kingdom be given £10,000 ($13,500) when they turn 25? A top think tank says yes.

The proposal from the Resolution Foundation is one of a number of suggestions for reducing inequality between the young and old.

Inequality between the young and old is reduced by the young getting jobs, working, saving money, having their own kids and then getting old.

The £10,000 payment would come with strings attached: Young people would only be allowed to spend it on developing new skills, entrepreneurship, housing or pensions. The payments would cost an estimated £7 billion ($9.5 billion) per year and would be financed by an overhaul of the inheritance tax system.


20 Comments on New Type of Reparations Floated

  1. “Only allowed to spend it on XYZ,” yeah good luck with that. The lazy are anything but when it comes to finding ways to game the system.

    Putting that imagination into play with a real job that can lead to a great future, though? Hell no!

    Color me unsurprised when the reports of fraud start.

  2. Sell all your assets and spend all your money, leaving no inheritance to be taxed. A lot of children are going to be surprised when the will is empty.
    Or……they owe more than the inheritance is worth.

  3. @bill – No, it’s not just you. Most if not all left-collectivist / progressive impulses, which they insist be written into law, are to make human nature what they want it to be rather than what it is, and to force people to comply at the point of the govt gun.

  4. @ bill

    Progressives lack common sense, as well as humanity, decency, humor, ethics, lawfulness. They are the modern version of the aristocracy America broke away from with our Declaration of Independence.

    Read it, the thing could apply right now, to our own government. Especially when obamination was in office.

  5. The power of “infinite” inflation.
    A perpetual inflation of a small annual rate that allows the market to adjust without great shocks – the intent of Bretton Woods – which allows the politicians to promise everything for nothing. Money becomes increasingly worthless, (eventually) fulfilling the socialists’ dream. The logic is to “give” them money, since the “value” of money will be proportionately diminished by whatever you give them – they remain loyal slaves while you have, in effect, given them their own money at a reduced “value” and they’re too fucking stupid to figure it out.

    Uncle Al knows more about this shit than I – so maybe he should chime in.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Leftists know that their schemes are coming to light. They are running out of other people’s money and soon will have to face their greatest fear – – fending for themselves. They are already turning on each other, and like the stinking rats they are, are abandoning ship. The worse of them will become outright criminals and thanks to the Second Amendment, will become target practice.

  7. “Will be financed by an inheritance tax overhaul,” stop right there, read other people’s money.
    Why is it governments always want to distribute money? Because they can run their fingers through it making sure that a great portion of it sticks to their pockets and grow government.

  8. @Toenex

    That was my first thought also. The government will take money that people have set aside for their surviving relatives and give it to millennials.

    How much more socialism can British citizens take?

  9. Maggie was right 20 years ago. She said Tonny would be the end of UK. She and Winnie were both bright and brave. Tony did bring about the end of the UK. This is just 1 of many examples of how he destroyed the Brits and their country!

    The world was also a better place because pf Maggie + Winnie – if only they had been cloned.


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