New Way Forward Act – IOTW Report

New Way Forward Act

ht/ U R Welcom

23 Comments on New Way Forward Act

  1. What’s the problem? All are welcome through the Gates of Hell down here. No one has ever left; they must love it here.

    When the Democrats get back in power, you’ll look forward to getting here ASAP.

  2. Copied this from another site. Apparently, these are the drafters :

    It will never be approved by the Senate or the President. But here is the list of America’s enemies.

    Mr. García of Illinois, Ms. Jayapal, Ms. Bass, Ms. Pressley, Mr. Grijalva, Ms. Velázquez, Ms. Haaland, Ms. Tlaib, Ms. Escobar, Ms. Omar, Ms. Garcia of Texas, Mr. Espaillat, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, Ms. Judy Chu of California, Mr. Danny K. Davis of Illinois, Ms. Lee of California, Mr. Rush, Mr. Blumenauer, Mr. Takano, Ms. Barragán, Mr. McGovern, Ms. Meng, Mrs. Napolitano, Ms. Schakowsky, Ms. Wilson of Florida, Mr. Serrano, Ms. Clarke of New York, Ms. Norton, Mrs. Watson Coleman, Mr. Vargas, Mr. Cárdenas, Mr. Brown of Maryland, Mr. Johnson of Georgia, Mr. Correa, and Mr. Meeks.

    These enemies want to replace you and your family. These scumbags truly hate America and Americans and everything America stand’s for. Ammo up.

  3. The smoldering hatred and resentment of whites held by many in the {mostly} hispanic community is finally being openly demonstrated now that they have increasing representation in government.
    As their numbers continue to increase so will these problems.

  4. If not for the 2A, I’m convinced the Democrat Left would have already made some move to eliminate unwanted segments of the population (us).

    But that day will come. They’re self destructing as a party and they blame us for it. They cannot and will not moderate so the only thing to replace it as a functioning body will be the hard Left, which is already out for vengeance. The future of the U.S. is not bright.

  5. Bad_Brad

    “We really need a list of those 44 Libtards.”

    These 44 heroes are elected and fully supported by the voters, of their districts, to do what they are doing. They are fulfilling the wants, wishes and desires of their constituents.

  6. @Joe Stalin,
    Funny, the fag senators of VA certainly do NOT represent me nor my interests. I do not know one person who voted for either one of these creeps. And that includes our baby killing governator and the ex-CIA representative………

  7. What the hell are we doing allowing immigrants to come into our country, run for federal government office, any government office for that matter, and then introduce legislation that weakens our existing immigration laws?

  8. Crackerbaby
    ” I do not know one person who voted for either one of these creeps. And that includes our baby killing governator and the ex-CIA representative………”

    Hmmmmm, Kommrrad? I see no recall, no investigation, no recount, no call for a recount, no patriotic demonstrations and no proletariat in the streets? As they say in the breadlines next to Red Square: You need to denounce at least 6 more of your fellow capitalists, before I believe you and you get any bread. #NOBREADTOSHILLS

  9. Unfortunately in 1976 when I was still young and stupid I voted for Mr. Peanut. At that time it was the supposed Christian thing to do, I have no excuses for 1980 and 84 as I was still brainwashed by being young and naïve and believing the democrats bs. Boy was I ever wrong and I wish I would’ve wised up a little sooner. Reagan was the best President in my younger life as Donald Trump is now.

  10. Cassandra Shapiro-Dawes

    “Oh Joe Stalin! I just LOVE your mass murder of undesirables and your patriarchal mustash! It almost makes me feel straight again!”

    Most Equal Kommrasara Cassandra, As they say in Moscow at night: Under Capitalism man oppresses man. But under Stalin’s leadership, it’s the other way around.

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