New York Governor Kathy Hochul Considering Ban on Tobacco Products – IOTW Report

New York Governor Kathy Hochul Considering Ban on Tobacco Products

NYP: The pro-legal weed Hochul administration is quietly trying to fire up support for a complete ban on the sale of tobacco products in New York, The Post has learned.

The state Health Department commissioned a new survey aimed at gauging support for an all-out prohibition — despite Gov. Hochul’s failure to secure support from state legislators to include a ban on menthol cigarettes and other flavored tobacco products in the yet-to-be-approved state budget.

“What is your opinion about a policy that would end the sale of all tobacco products in New York within 10 years?” were among the questions asked last week in the “New York Local Opinion Leaders Survey,” examined by the Post.

Another asks: “What is your opinion about a policy that would ban the sale of all tobacco products to those born after a certain date? For example, those born after the year 2010 or later would never be sold tobacco.”

The poll also solicited input on whether there’s backing for other tobacco-related measures, including capping the number of retailers who can sell “products in a community” and prohibiting its sales near schools.

The survey, conducted by nonprofit research organization RTI International, was distributed to “community leaders” statewide, including “county legislators and county directors of public health,” according to an April 13 memo to prospective participants from Jennifer Lee, director of the Health Department’s Bureau of Tobacco Control.  MORE HERE

21 Comments on New York Governor Kathy Hochul Considering Ban on Tobacco Products

  1. I knew a guy in the USAF who would drive a box truck from North Carolina to New York filled with tax-free cigarettes. Upon arrival at a pre-determined location, he was told to lock the truck and leave the keys where instructed, then walk away. He was paid $1,000 for each trip. This was in the early 70’s.

  2. And when the police try to arrest a new Eric Gardner and he resists and dies, then again it will be the big bad police’s fault for trying to arrest someone for the non-crime of selling loose cigarettes.

    And, as others have alluded to, there will be free shoot-up sites for heroin and crack addicts because drug addiction is a mental illness and we should not be judgmental.

  3. I was just going to say the same thing about Prohibition. She has just created a new and untaxed black market for cigarettes, good luck with that. And it will probably be run by the Mob/Mafia as usual. It makes no friggin sense to legalize pot and make smoking cigarettes illegal. Wacky tobacky, here we come, ready or not. Why can’t these friggin authoritarians just leave everything alone, they just make it worse every time they outlaw a perfectly legal product available in every other state but NY.

  4. They’re pro-choice about abortion but that’s the end of the line for them.
    I’ve never been a smoker but I find it hard to find anything they’ll leave you alone about. Big brother is everywhere.

  5. RadioMattM,
    “And, as others have alluded to, there will be free shoot-up sites for heroin and crack addicts because drug addiction is a mental illness and we should not be judgmental.”

    Simple solution (for the black market smugglers). Sell/distribute the “illegal” tobacco at the same places where the addicts are allowed to shoot up their smack & crack.
    And may the black market smugglers make their fortunes. Smuggling was part of the basis of the founding of the US; smuggling illegal, illicit, and taxed goods. Think Boston Tea Party (which is why the US is a majority coffee drinking country), the Intolerable Acts, and tarring and feathering tax collectors.


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