New York Man Charged w/ Felony After Shooting 2 In Home Invasion – IOTW Report

New York Man Charged w/ Felony After Shooting 2 In Home Invasion

Great rant on gun registration.

7 Comments on New York Man Charged w/ Felony After Shooting 2 In Home Invasion

  1. When we are up at our camp in Central NY, we buy wood from a guy with Anti SAFE Act stuff on his lawn.

    We have GOT to stick together. States like NY on the other hand??

    Well done vid. Thanks @BFH did not know about that case.

  2. Feinstein; Classic leftist hypocritical. She has, or at one time, possessed a ccw permit and, obviously, a gun. But we are supposed to “turn in our guns”, according to her. Not a chance, bitch.

  3. If people want to stop this abuse of power they’ll have to get organized and confront the thugs in power.
    The left are continuously on the attack but those they appose quietly depend on representatives to solve the problems. When people finally get fed up it’s usually after the damage is done and at that point the situation is much harder to resolve.
    Until human nature changes nothing else will.

  4. “This needs to go to the supreme court, but we can no longer trust them to support the constitution anymore either.”

    When could we?

    They declared Socialist Security a TAX.
    They declared ObolaCare a TAX.
    They declared murdering infants a CHOICE.
    They declared that fags have a “RIGHT” to marry.
    They declared the 10th Amendment dead.
    They declared the 2nd Amendment provisional.
    They declared Star-Chamber tactics of FISA legal.
    &c., &c., &c.

    So, when were these halcyon days of Constitutionalism?

    izlamo delenda est …


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