New York Values – IOTW Report

New York Values

Guy defecates on the floor in a NYC Starbucks… right near the bathroom.

ht/ petrus

27 Comments on New York Values

  1. I’m more than confused why you would post this BFH. Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t even survive in any big city, but even in New York I would need to believe this is the exception not the norm and there’s got to be a certain amount of conservatives that live there.

  2. New York STATE suffers because the largest city is also called New York.
    NYC is not the end all and be all of New York State, but many around the country, and the world, think so.

    I remember a good friend from England invited his family to come visit after he was here for more than a decade.

    His mother broke down in tears when he drove her around, saying, “my God, this is even more lovely than our home.”
    She thought that when he said he was living in New York he was in NYC, and she couldn’t imagine that.

    New York, like most states, is very conservative outside of the major cities.
    So, as a New Yorker, I have no problem saying New York values knowing that everyone assumes NYC.

    That’s fine.
    People can do their own research.
    New York State is beautiful, with lots of great people, Starbucks shitter excluded.

  3. OK. I got you. I’ve had a few friends from upstate New York. They described parts of it just a wild as rural Montana. As you know I get a little touchy over people misconceptions about California. Particularly Northern California. I hope we become Jefferson so I can bad mouth California too. LOL.

  4. Yes, but at what cost to my mental health?

    For the record, I live in New York State, not City. I am three miles north of the Bronx County border. Work in the City, though, so all my anti-de Blasio rants are wholly justified.

    Also for the record, one of the events that made me realize I just HAD to get out of NYC was seeing a bum take a huge crap on the platform of the Church Avenue IND (subway) station in Brooklyn.

  5. I’m from Georgia, born and bred, just so you know, and am still here. One of my daughters lived and worked in Manhattan for a couple of years. Most everyone she worked with and for was pretty conservative and she really enjoyed her time there and we enjoyed visiting her. We met lots of very nice, friendly people there. For whatever reason, those people don’t seem to vote.

    That being said, I don’t know any Trump supporters down here that were moved in the least by Cruz’s comment. I like both of them, myself, and am always willing to give a few passes to people when I think that they are really trying to do the right thing. After all, we are all human and can’t be held to the perfection standard. We would all fail.

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