New York’s Toy gun buyback program – IOTW Report

New York’s Toy gun buyback program

Pacific Pundit: And here I thought California was the most nutso state in the union. Turns out New York is trying to outdo California, at least in Hempstead. The city is now having a toy gun buyback program because water pistols because toy guns are now considered evil and dangerous. more here

10 Comments on New York’s Toy gun buyback program

  1. To paraphrase a line from “Stargate”- “They want them to forget. They don’t want them to remember”. They also won’t teach them about the battle for Athens(GA) or the Revolution or countless other uprisings where the people said “ENOUGH”. The ball is in our court.

  2. When I was a young child growing up in the 50s, in SoCal, cap guns were all the rage. I had a Dave Crockett long rifle and a Have Gun Will Travel, twin nickel plated SA Colts. Kid up the street, “Billy” wasn’t allowed by his over-protective mother to play with toy guns. My first brush with liberal insanity. Don’t know what ever happened to Billy, but I hope for his own sake, he was drafted.


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