Newest Propaganda – Gay Animals are a Good Thing – IOTW Report

Newest Propaganda – Gay Animals are a Good Thing


The case has been made that sexual behavior between those of the same sex is “non-adaptive,” meaning there is no evolutionary advantage. That’s not true, according to new research that finds the behavior, witnessed across at least 1,500 animal species from crickets to dolphins to deer, could help groups get along—clearly very important to survival. Indeed, the study published Tuesday in Nature Communications aims to expand what behaviors are considered “adaptive,” per the Washington Post. Researchers at the Spanish National Research Council and the University of Granada compiled a database of information on same-sex sexual behavior among 261 mammals and found it often occurs in species who live in groups with high social interaction, per the New York Times.

They argue the behavior might have evolved to help form bonds and reduce intrasexual aggression and conflict, which threatens to tear a group apart. “Rather than a maladaptive or aberrant behavior” in nonhuman mammals, it’s “a convergent adaptation facilitating the maintenance of social relationships,” as University of Granada professor of ecology José María Gómez puts it to the Post. Primatologist Christine Webb, who was not involved in the research, agrees “sexual behavior between same-sex partners seems to function to mitigate [social] tension.” Conservation scientist Christine Wilkinson, also unaffiliated with the study, gives the example of African lions, who “travel together and help each other to survive” while “also mounting each other and sort of bonding in more physical ways,” per the Post.


17 Comments on Newest Propaganda – Gay Animals are a Good Thing

  1. “sexual behavior between same-sex partners seems to function to mitigate [social] tension.”

    Makes perfect sense; guys hooking up removes the competition and aggression involved in spreading one’s seed among the females of the species. it’s a win/win. Guys don’t have to worry about bogus rape charges and can finally split the bill on dates. And women don’t have to do anything to attract a mate so they can spend more time with their cats and more money on their boxed wine.

  2. Why do I get the feeling that these studies were funded by the Obama Foundation?

    For the last 50 years at least, homosexuals have been desperately trying to “prove” that their aberration is “natural” and “normal”.

  3. ” guys hooking up removes the competition and aggression involved in spreading one’s seed among the females of the species. it’s a win/win.”

    sounds like someone was hanging around the ‘Councilors’ during that summer at ‘Camp Sukawami’ … or working on their Merit Badge in ‘Circle Jerk”

  4. btw, there are many instances of ‘Bachelor Herds’ in many species in nature … these are the males that cannot win battles, or compete w/ the alpha males that take over the herds

    Nature takes care of ‘thinning the herd’ by itself …. BECAUSE … males cannot reproduce w/ males! … survival of one’s self in paramount in Nature … if one cannot compete, one is drawn to similar ones (most of them go to Congress) … & one doesn’t need a ‘Scientist’ to understand the phenomena.

  5. The sexual drive is strong in animals for a reason. Lacking a suitable partner, is it any wonder that an animal will turn to the nearest possible thing as an outlet for that drive? The real test is if the same-sex behavior persists if a member of the opposite sex is introduced. And even if it does, that doesn’t necessarily mean that that animal is gay, but that its reproductive or mate identification instincts have been screwed up due to prolonged isolation or abberant upbringing. The point is, there’s a whole lot of other plausible explanations for why a behavior exists other than “animals are gay, too”.

  6. When I was a kid, our female dog used to mount and thrust on our male cat. I guess this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that anything goes sexually.


    BTW, the cat didn’t like it.

  7. I’m guessing that a species population gets too large for its environment, this might almost be a plausible thing.

  8. …it’s “a convergent adaptation facilitating the maintenance of social relationships….”

    So same sex behavior facilitates a “getting along” atmosphere that creates peacefulness and smiley faces among humans.

    So why then do we need all the laws, regulations, and activists groups to police our thoughts, words, and conflicts? Me thinks you are throwing a s..t on the wall and hoping it will stick.


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