Newly Released Text Messages Don’t Look Good for Hunter or Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Newly Released Text Messages Don’t Look Good for Hunter or Joe Biden


More damning evidence regarding President Joe Biden’s possible role in his son’s business dealings has come out, according to a report.

Now, the president most likely will never admit the truth of the matter, but reported text messages between Hunter Biden and a Chinese businessman certainly won’t help the situation.

The messages were obtained by Fox News, which reported on them Wednesday.

They appear to show that Hunter Biden proposed that he, his father and his uncle, Jim Biden, meet with Yadong Liu, CEO of CEFC Global Strategic Holdings, a Chinese energy company.

The messages were exchanged on the evening of Dec. 12, 2017, with the younger Biden broaching the topic with Yadong, according to Fox News. MORE

15 Comments on Newly Released Text Messages Don’t Look Good for Hunter or Joe Biden

  1. Now here is where it gets interesting. For DNs, the commission of their crimes and malefactions themselves are NOT the most potent source of diabolical satisfaction. No – the real rush, the “high” that they crave more than anything is THE GETTING AWAY WITH IT. Specifically, DNs luxuriate in watching other people, whether it be out of fear or sycophancy, pretend to not see, or better yet lie to cover, or even better yet, positively defend and justify, their crimes.

  2. “Now, the president most likely will never admit the truth of the matter…”

    …well, since calling this fraud “president” is a lie TOO, I’m guessing not…

  3. “Joe Biden’s possible role in his son’s business”

    Other way around. Why does ALL the media have this backwards? There’s only one answer: money is flowing.

  4. They had to charge him with something to take the heat off the fraud-in-chief. Gun charges were the only way to avoid it. He’ll get a plea deal and have his sentence suspended. That’s how democrats do it.

  5. Naaah, don’t kill ’em. Get some worthwhile work out of ’em. I’d suggest Pfizer and/or Moderna clinical trials, one after another after another, so that they help discover agonizing adverse effects.

    Or fatal effects, though I’d prefer agonizing.

  6. Please. Just stop. There is already enough evidence to hang Joe for treason, or to lock up the whole Biden crime family for a long, long time. But with the Dark Side firmly in control of every aspect of the government, you really think one more “smoking gun” is going to matter?


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