Newsom, Now Backpedaling on Trans Issues, Signed a Law Forcing Women’s Prisons To Accept Male Inmates – IOTW Report

Newsom, Now Backpedaling on Trans Issues, Signed a Law Forcing Women’s Prisons To Accept Male Inmates


Democratic strategist calls Newsom’s shift ‘PR desperation from a guy who wants to run for president’

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D.) shocked his own party Thursday when he condemned biological men competing in women’s sports as “deeply unfair.” But Newsom, who is widely considered to be a potential 2028 presidential candidate, has an extensive record of embracing far-left policies on transgender issues.

That includes the Transgender Respect, Agency and Dignity Act, a bill Newsom signed in 2020 that allowed prison inmates in California to be housed “in a manner consistent with their gender identity.” Newsom’s law had disastrous implications for some female prisoners in state care, enabling a 52-year-old male inmate with no prior history of identifying as an LGBT person to be transferred to a female facility in central California. From there, the male inmate allegedly raped and impregnated several incarcerated women.

The inmate, Tremaine Carroll, now faces two counts of rape, but prosecutors are having difficulties trying what they say should be an open-and-shut case. A county judge ruled in December that Carroll’s alleged victims must identify him with his preferred she/her pronouns when they take the stand to testify.

“It’s just absolutely insane that a victim would have to get on the stand and police their pronoun usage when trying to recite one of the scariest times of their lives,” Madera County supervising deputy district attorney Eric DuTemple told ABC 30.

11 Comments on Newsom, Now Backpedaling on Trans Issues, Signed a Law Forcing Women’s Prisons To Accept Male Inmates

  1. Greasy Gavin is a Moisturizing, Menstruating Metrosexual from the planet Vacuous otherwise known as an arrogant, self-indulgent Liberal who believes he is superior to the Trump-voting Stupids who all need to be educated on the obvious wonderfulness of his soul… if he can find it.

  2. We are living in 🤡 🌎 in California and Gavin Newscum is the ringmaster. It’s hilarious that he is trying to moderate his position on the trans agenda ahead of a presidential run. He has pissed off the troons and their supporters (ie the entire left) but nobody else believes he opposes the troon agenda in any way, shape, or form.

    I don’t think the rest of the nation is looking at how California is being run and thinks, let’s get us some of that. Nope. No way. No how.


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