Newsom to be a Nuisance At 2nd GOP Debate – IOTW Report

Newsom to be a Nuisance At 2nd GOP Debate

The Hill

President Biden’s reelection campaign is sending California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) to the Republican presidential primary debate to lead response efforts.

Newsom will be on the ground in Simi Valley, in his home state, to push back on Republican comments and highlight anything the Biden team deems to be extreme rhetoric out of the debate. The governor will lead that effort alongside Biden-Harris campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez and Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison. More

CTH sees through the charade. Here

14 Comments on Newsom to be a Nuisance At 2nd GOP Debate

  1. I won’t watch the debates, but I’ll tune in for this. Newsom’s sharp as a marble. MoFo can’t walk and chew gum. Every other word will be umm. He’s an idiot. This should be interesting.


    It’s all about blood. That’s California politics. And it turns out this clown is their heir apparent. Dumber than a box of rocks. I don’t believe he’s actually ever participated in a debate. There’s a reason for that.

  3. “..the Biden campaign expects the so-called MAGA agenda to be on display…”

    Well there’s your first mistake, Biden campaign. And it’s a doozy. But don’t let me harsh your buzz.

  4. So stupid the Demonrats are, if they had any brains he would be in Detroit instead.

    This is a clear message to Governor Loathesome.

    You get to fuck with the second string of nobody losers while the Pedo goes to Detroit.

    More proof that he is going to be the VP and wait his turn after Manchelle does four. She is to self absorbed to give eight.

    As for the Pedo, he will step on his demented dick in Detroit as usual.

  5. Calling out the folks calling these Q and A with blisteringly banal cross talk stage performances. These are not debates. It is unlikely any of the participants could conduct themselves properly during an actual, formal debate. Which I would like to see, by the way.


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