Newspaper and quote is real, it’s been fact-checked, and the fact check makes little sense – IOTW Report

Newspaper and quote is real, it’s been fact-checked, and the fact check makes little sense

I my be too stupid to understand the fact check. Someone please explain.

Bill Gates is concerned with population growth. This fact check suggests that Gates is advocating for vaccinations that will extend life and this will lower population size.

Do I have that right?

Ht/ woody

26 Comments on Newspaper and quote is real, it’s been fact-checked, and the fact check makes little sense

  1. Many environmentalists have been have been for depopulation for decades. It is just not what they lead with. They have traditionally used the term “Smaller Families”

  2. I found this article.

    “The real reason for vaccinations, apart from the massive profits to the manufacturers, is to ensure that you get sick throughout your life, again not only to enrich these same corporations that made you sick, but to ensure that many, if not all of you, die before you ever receive your pension and when you are no longer any of use to society.”

  3. My takeaway was that Gates wants to inject vaccines into us that will make our penis’s shoot out of our pants like a rocket before exploding like the space shuttle.

  4. @Burr, explainer in cheif January 12, 2022 at 6:16 pm

    > Gates wants to inject vaccines into us that will make our penis’s shoot out of our pants like a rocket before exploding like the space shuttle.

    Hey, cream pie guy! Hold my beer!

  5. We know factually that, “Reproductive Health Services” is leftist code-speak for “Abortions”.

    So, it certainly looks like ‘Bad Haircut Bill’ is advocating for the mass murder of billions of human beings.

  6. from the ‘article’: “When he later saw data suggesting that when mortality rates fall, so, too, do birth rates, Gates shifted his focus from preventing births to saving people already alive.”

    so, he saw “suggesting” data & ran w/ “saving people “w/ a ‘vaccine’ which is NOT a vaccine …. got it, Killer

  7. Why is Reuters lying to protect Gates?

    “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent. But there, we see an increase of about 1.3.” is what he SAID.

    How does Reuters presume to know what he was SUGGESTING by what he said?
    Claiming to be mind-readers? Only two possibilities: Reuters is sucking his ass cuz he’s a $Billionaire, or he’s paying them to lie. Nothing else makes sense.

    How can a “fact” check be based on a supposition of a “suggestion?”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. ^^^
    “CONFLICT: Reuters Chairman is Pfizer Investor and Board Member
    The chairman and former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Reuters news agency – James C. Smith – is a top investor and board member for pharmaceuticals giant Pfizer. He was elected to the board in 2014, as well as joining Pfizer’s Corporate Governance and Science and Technology Committees.”

    Thats why.

    also: billy gates’ mother’s maiden name is maxwell.
    yup- same family

  9. when your enemy keeps telling you they want you dead at some point you have to believe them

    this has been in operation for years

    it has only come to light since the election of Trump

    the election of an outside who could not be blackmailed no matter how hard they tried put the fear into our unelected overlords and they now feel the peons have become restless and no longer believe their lies.

    so now is their time to strike
    they feel they don’t need most of us to maintain their opulent lifestyle.

    but the joke will be on them
    why would their bodyguards keep protecting them when they can off them and take their wealth for themselves?
    survival of the fittest you know
    and once society breaks down their wealth will not allow them to survive, it will be their undoing.


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