Next Stop? Mirrors Are Triggering – IOTW Report

Next Stop? Mirrors Are Triggering

Wake me when the farcical left, collectively, kill themselves.

Daily Wire-

Social Justice Warriors have placed their crosshairs on the ever-triggering scale, which makes perfect sense since scales inform us of objective facts and we all know how the left feels about those.

Carleton University has made the decision to remove the weight scale from their campus gym after a student complained about being “triggered” by the device … which, presumably, she chose to step on. A sign where the scale once stood explains that the university’s choice to remove the scale is “in keeping with current fitness and social trends.

Or, more accurately, “in keeping with pathetic social justice safe space trends.”

Carleton freshman Samar El-Faki explained via Facebook that the scale is especially “triggering” to students with eating disorders.

“Scales are very triggering,” said El-Faki. “I think people are being insensitive because they simply don’t understand. They think eating disorders are a choice when they are actually a serious illness.”


27 Comments on Next Stop? Mirrors Are Triggering

  1. OMG!!!
    It must be impossible for this snowflake to visit a doctor’s office.
    What about the produce scales in the supermarkets?
    What about the kitchen scales people have on their counters?
    Old fashioned clocks look like scales – maybe they should be removed from the classrooms, too?
    I may never be able to “weigh” my options in a discussion.

    Eating disorders are serious – this pandering is nothing like being serious.

  2. Carleton was one of the two universities I attended many moons ago. At that time it was called “Cartoon U” and probably still is. They were always kind of PC even back then but this is just insanity and should embarrass the faculty, the administration and the student body.

  3. These…persons…appear to be approaching the point where it is the real world that triggers them. Before that tragedy befalls them, I suggest that all fragile and vulnerable collectivists have mandatory doses of psilocybin every morning and LSD every evening to protect them from being triggered by outside influences. Then we’ll get to see how frequently their own delusions and hallucinations are the triggers.

    (I’m not serious, but this is no joke)

  4. Yeah, cause the only reason fatties know their fat is the scale.

    Take, for example, example Amy Shumer…she lies and claims that at 5’7 160 lbs she is a size 6. Who is calling her out on that obvious bs. No way that girl is either 160 or a size 6. I’m a 5’8 and size 8 and thinner than her. My daughter is her same height and weight weight and a size 4 – skinny. She is just lying and now by getting rid of scales other fatsos can lie too. They want to erase any proof. Now I understand body types are different., but that rolly poly is out and out lying and given cover. It’s how the left works….lying hypocrites. In one breath they preach the love your body size doesn’t matter…. then they lie about the factual numbers because size matters???? Yeah, ok.

  5. If my clothes don’t fit I have a simple solution, I buy bigger clothes. Boom!

    Seriously, stories like this make me sad. These marginal people need mental health services.

  6. Dan Ryan Galt

    I’d have oodles of fun with Poncho in my gym. Hard to quantify oodles but it’s a lot. Typical lefty bull shit. He’s trained for 6 weeks now he’s bad ass.

  7. @Dan Ryan Galt…

    “Liberals are finally standing up for themselves. … If you’re a Nazi, you should be looking over your shoulder.”

    Funny, I thought this puffed-up jagoff was all about confronting “Nazis”, not sneaking up behind them. Any little lefty coward can do that. Be sure and check your six out there.

  8. @Richard P

    Q: “At what point do officials say “Enough”?”
    A: Why do we need ‘officials’ to determine this?

    The question should be expanded to…

    Q: “At what point do AMERICANS say “Enough”?
    A: Now comes around every 30 years +/-

  9. I reread my comment about “Cartoon U” and think I need to clarify a couple of things. While back then (gotta stop saying that, late 70’s) Carleton was liberal and kind of PC at no time was any view shut down, bullied into silence, legislated against , screamed at etc etc. In fact, there were some pretty good adhoc debates in Roosters (campus pub) between liberals and conservatives and while they sometimes got loud nobody was ever shouted down or unable to give their opinion. I suspect this was similar to most Universities across North America as it was before the left started really filling positions of authority.

    The second point is that the nickname “Cartoon U” may leave people with the idea that it was a second rate school. It’s true that it was easier to get into Carleton then say Queen’s or McGill it was actually harder to stay in. The ongoing academic standards were higher and academic probation more frequent. Doesn’t mean to say the parties were stodgy, some of them were legendary.

  10. More like “El Fake.”
    Fake complaint.
    Fake person.
    Fake reaction.
    Fake offense.
    Fake solution.

    I’m a fat slob. Ya know why? PEANUTS! We need to outlaw peanuts (roasted and salted, in the shell) so that people who SUFFER from the “serious” disease of eating fukkin PEANUTS don’t get fat as pigs!
    Yeah, that’s the ticket! See, it ain’t MY fault that I go to WalMart and buy bags of salted peanuts! It’s “the Man’s” fault!
    Ban PEANUTS!
    Freedom for the hogs!
    Big, fat lumps of shit need to be protected from their PEANUTS!

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Just imagine if snowflakes were triggered by the sound of their own voices. They would finally shut the heck up! Then the rest of us would no longer have to deal with their insufferable, childish, neurotic behaviors.

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