“Nice Cheat, Bro’” – IOTW Report

“Nice Cheat, Bro'”

Transgender Runner, 16, Dominates Girls’ Races and Rises to 4th in Rankings – After Coming 172nd While Racing as a Boy.


One father, a physician, whose two children compete in Maine’s high school cross country competitions, said it was profoundly unfair.

‘If a boy, competing in a sporting event, were found to be using performance enhancing drugs, he would be disqualified due to the presumption of unfair competitive advantage,’ the father said.

‘If instead, that same boy chose to compete as a girl, he would not only not be disqualified due to his enormous presumptive competitive advantage, he would be lauded, feted and applauded.

‘For the boys, it would be tragic, for it teaches them things that simply do not apply outside of the very narrow time and place in which we currently reside.

‘For the girls, it is the grossest of injustices in every conceivable way, because it forces them to participate in, and to some extent accept, something which is manifestly false. They must, like it or not, participate in the lie.’

Stark-Chessa’s school athletics director hit back, and said they were ‘proud’ of all their students.

‘We support all our students at Maine Coast Waldorf School, and are proud that our students are given the opportunity to participate in all of our school programs,’ said Susan Sonntag.

Sonntag said that the school adheres to the Maine law prohibiting ‘Unlawful educational discrimination’.


16 Comments on “Nice Cheat, Bro'”

  1. An Indian person who took third place in the Women’s Heptathalon at the recent Asian Games has been accused of being a tranny by another competitor. Nandini Agasara is a dude. You can see his man bits flopping around in his running shorts, just like Big Mike dancing on the Ellen Degenerate Show.


  2. Freeport has turned into a liberal toilet.
    Sean McBreairty has been on the forefront of fighting this crap in ME schools.
    He’s taken a lot of heat but doesn’t back down.
    A great example of standing up to this cultural destruction.
    These boys are losers when competing against other boys so they cheat.
    This is disgusting.

  3. Cmn(cents)guy,
    The females in the race should have taken Mr Dude aside before the race (excuse: to “wish him well”), and then beaten him on the calves and ankles with a rattan/bamboo stick.
    That would have evened up the racing trail.

  4. Moral degeneracy.
    If you stand with them, you aren’t with HIM.
    Applaud degenerates, March on Faux Christian Soldiers.

    Ecclesiastes 5:8
    The Vanity of Gain and Honor
    8 If you see the oppression of the poor, and the violent [a]perversion of justice and righteousness in a province, do not marvel at the matter; ….

  5. As long as girls and their parents participate and lend a thin veneer of authenticity to these charades, this stuff will continue.

    In fact, if will continue regardless, but make it go on until the point of absurdity is reached, and all of the contestants are trannies. Let them fight amongst themselves for hollow victories.

    I suppose the real girls could form clubs and hold private races, but they should be prepared for violence and lawfare, so that’s not a good solution. All I know is the girls need to boycott en masse. Nobody can force them to participate by court order or at the point of a gun.

  6. Just did some internet sleuthing on this troon. Much like William Thomas (AKA Lia) who had a brother who was a swimming champion, this Soren dude also has a brother, Bryan, who seems to have been somewhat of a track and soccer star in high school. Soren couldn’t cut it competing against the other boys so he “becomes a girl” and is now a winner.

    Dude needs to work out his feelings of inadequacy in therapy and stop cheating in sports to make himself feel better.


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