Nigel Farage ‘almost’ pities ‘mentally incapacitated’ Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Nigel Farage ‘almost’ pities ‘mentally incapacitated’ Joe Biden

“You can’t be angry at somebody whose mental faculty suggest he should not be holding any senior position at all, let alone as leader of the free world,” Mr Farage told Sky News host Paul Murray. “In some ways I almost pity him.”

13 Comments on Nigel Farage ‘almost’ pities ‘mentally incapacitated’ Joe Biden

  1. “You can’t be angry at somebody whose mental faculty suggest he should not be holding any senior position at all”

    Yes, I can, for the simple reason that even if he was lucid and sentient, would he do anything differently?

    The dumpster fire that is America would not be burning any less violently if he was a man in his 50s and had command of his faculties.

  2. So Brian
    you seem to know there is a big problem with Joe and you don’t think Trump is a good answer.
    What’s your best idea on who can fix things?
    I’m waiting.

  3. Seems to me that when you ask a TDS victim a simple question they crawl back under their rock or start with the name calling? They add zero to the world or the site.
    I think they are not paying their trolls enough because they have no ability to ingage


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