Nigel Farage Returns – Just as Britain Needs Leadership – IOTW Report

Nigel Farage Returns – Just as Britain Needs Leadership


Pro-Brexit, anti-immigration campaigner Nigel Farage stepped back into front-line British politics on Monday, announcing he will take the helm of the right-wing party Reform U.K. and run for Parliament in the July 4 election.

Farage said he’ll run in the seaside town of Clacton-on-Sea in his eighth attempt to win a seat in the House of Commons. His seven previous tries all failed. More

6 Comments on Nigel Farage Returns – Just as Britain Needs Leadership

  1. First, the Civilized World shall publicly tract down, capture and publicly execute now (today!), each and every reasonably indited Communist and Marxist (or direct relatives thereof, if applicable) who were responsible for directly murdering, in cold blood, much more than 30,000,000 any-age innocent civilians throughout the world in the 20th and 21st Centuries under their personally-dominated governments. This includes: (fill in the blanks): ___________;____________;___________;_________;, etc. as well as, directing our military to immediately attack and curtail all un-elected future tyrant gatherings, with their self-elected leaders and all like gatherings intended to subvert and control the entire world under their forced pseudo-science tutelage and tyranny.

    Otherwise, there will be more future Obamas, Bidens, Stalins, Lenins, Hitlers, Pol Pots, Soroses, Klaus Schwabs, Bill Gates, Ted Turners, “bolt-neck” Kerrys, Gores, et al., ad infinitum, until the Human Race with the goodness of positive Religions, Decency and Civilized discourse and Laws is no longer, but for the remaining creatures of this beautiful, physical paradise…once thought to be designated for all of us, will soon be destroyed by these very characters pretending to help everyone, but themselves, and their already mostly stolen riches, while they annually pontificate to the world that they “Own the Science” and that most of us will soon me “Useless Eaters”. These are very dangerous, extremely rich Mentally Retarded know nothings, who have rarely experienced problem-solving and challenges (because they never needed to).

  2. Nigel, consider legally immigrating to the US, our present administration is devoid of leadership.
    Your longtime support of President Trump speaks volumes to your knowledge and experience of conservative issues.
    England is losing their traditions and government to the muslim hordes.
    How much longer until a mosque replaces Buckingham Palace?

  3. On top of Farage’s politics (pretty solid) and general disdain for govt authority (pretty healthy), I really do appreciate his obviously immense joy in what he’s doing as evidenced by all the photos of him grinning widely generally while holding a beer glass. Keep up the good work, Nigel!

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