Nikki Haley: All Palestinians Do Is Ask For ‘Handouts,’ Then ‘Badmouth The United States’ – IOTW Report

Nikki Haley: All Palestinians Do Is Ask For ‘Handouts,’ Then ‘Badmouth The United States’

Nikki Haley backed up recent Trump policy against the Palestinian Liberation Organization, or PLO, with tough rhetoric. Bret Baier asked the Ambassador to the United Nations about the administration’s recent policies against the PLO, including closing their office in Washington and severely restricting funding to the Palestinian authority in a wide-ranging interview Wednesday on Fox News.

Referring to the tough actions by the administration, Baier asked, “Is there still a hope that by doing the ‘hard stick’ approach with the Palestinians that they are somehow going to turn around?”

“It’s totally up to the Palestinians at this point … Negotiations are going to happen, neither side is going to like it.”

Haley said, “the Palestinians have more to gain than Israel ever will,” before launching into a full broadside against the PLO for their behavior toward the US.

“All they’ve done is have their hand out asking for money, badmouth the United States, not come to the table on the peace deal,” Haley said bluntly, “Why would we have a PLO office? Why would we continue to fund the Palestinians?”

15 Comments on Nikki Haley: All Palestinians Do Is Ask For ‘Handouts,’ Then ‘Badmouth The United States’

  1. FOX News seems to have trouble dealing with the truth too. Hooooray for Nikki Haley!! Perhaps VSPDJTG and his cabinet also can reverse 70 years of very bad US judgement concerning that particular bed of nasties.

  2. “All they’ve done is have their hand out asking for money, badmouth the United States…”

    Sounds just like muslim “refugees”, BLM and 60+ million illegal mestizos. Let’s cut off their allowance too. We could care for an awful lot of Veterans and truly needy Americans with that enormous amount of money.

  3. Right or wrong, What is a Nikki Haley? I do like the tone, yet it escapes me. My bad for not being more MSM informed and following. Nods completely @Americans First If could care for an awful lot of Veterans and truly needy Americans with that enormous amount of money.

  4. It’s a good start. Now if we could cut off funding for CAIR and ISNA inside the US.

    Nikki didn’t hold the same opinion when she gave the after debate speech, replete with “we welcome ALL immigrants” jab at Trump, so who knows her true beliefs.

    Regardless, she was hired to support the Trump agenda and she’s represented him well thus far, and for that alone she has my RESPICT.

  5. Haley used to kind of waffle between being very conservative and kind of a RINO. Maybe after seeing things from the inside she’s realized these people really are dishonest tools.
    Or maybe she is just doing her job and supporting the Trump administration’s policies like a good employee should.
    When she says things like this it sounds like it’s her own opinion.

  6. She’s got this one right. She’s occasionally popping off about her independence from the administration’s viewpoint, probably to keep her own future viable. Typical politician.
    I’m remembering her changing the state flag to appease the mob in a cowardly attempt to walk the fence.

  7. Best UN ambassador in decades! Remember Bolton was “Temporary” Ambassador, who GWB sh-t canned. No one in the UN paid any attention to him because everyone knew he was not supported by the President.

    Nikki IS THE AMBASSADOR and she is taken seriously. The bush/Rove liberals hate her as MOE TOM noted above. She is not a Rove NWO ambassador – she is an American!

  8. She has guts, speaks truth to the world on OUR behalf and has the full backing of our mover and shaker president. What her thoughts were before she took this job is all beside the point. We’ve all changed over the years in one way or the other so enough with the “she once said this or thought that” shit. I know a full throated defense of our country when I hear it. We are hearing it from Haley.

  9. I would LOVE to see Nikki Haley as the first Woman POTUS. I think she would bring a nuance to the table not seen by many of these so called men. Specifically Obama. She’s tough, she’s smart and she doesn’t take crap from the muzzies in the UN. She slaps them down when they mouth off.


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