Nikki Haley Claims She ‘Will Be Voting for Trump’ – IOTW Report

Nikki Haley Claims She ‘Will Be Voting for Trump’


Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley revealed during a speech at the Hudson Institute on Wednesday that she plans to vote for former President Donald Trump in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

“I put my priorities on a president who’s gonna have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account,” Haley said during her speech. “Who would secure the border, no more excuses. A president who would support capitalism and freedom. A president who understands we need less debt, not more debt. Trump has not been perfect on these policies, I’ve made that clear. Many, many times, but Biden has been a catastrophe. So, I will be voting for Trump.” more

15 Comments on Nikki Haley Claims She ‘Will Be Voting for Trump’

  1. How gracious of her! I’m sure this’ll be enough to get her a job within the Trump administration. While us peons that would take a bullet for Trump won’t get shit… not even credit for him winning, that credit will go to the black community because they went from 8% support for Trump to 10%…. Yaaaaaaaay

  2. Remember that time all the Establishment Republicans signed a pledge to support the eventual nominee that was designed to shut Trump up when one of them won?

    And remember how they all refused to honor their own pledge when Trump was the eventual nominee?

    Good times, good times…

    Any pledge of support from Nikki Haley is the same as that.

  3. Yeah, Nero Nikki is in the zone…the narcissist zone. She’s not getting any attention so she makes this half-a**ed Trump endorsement.

    Little does she know she’s a footnote in history as a RINO Deep State operative and Never Trumper.

    This endorsement ia a misdirection. Her laser focus is getting into the White House in 2028 by hook or by crook. NEVER Nikki – Never!

  4. She borrowed Kamala’s knee pads.
    Oct. 2024 she accuses Trump of rape, being a Nazi, and a member of the KKK.
    At least he’s not a hair sniffing pedophile.

  5. My infected big toe offer his support too. Along with my bad case of athlete’s feet I say he’s a winner. Just hold on to the soap on a rope. Pass on the vasoline.


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