Makers of Oreos Warned They Could Be Next – IOTW Report

Makers of Oreos Warned They Could Be Next


Oreo could be the latest big brand to get the Bud Light treatment.

The cookie company’s Chicago-headquartered parent organization, Mondelēz International, will be confronted at its annual shareholder meeting on Wednesday over how its LGBTQ marketing could tank business and irreparably tarnish the brand. More

31 Comments on Makers of Oreos Warned They Could Be Next

  1. ^ Yeah, but they’re full of microplastics, Uncle Al, and my balls already float in the bathtub (as I alluded to earlier).

    (Maybe it’s the homemade tacos?)

  2. Anon, that is EVERY commercial, advertisement etc.
    Even voice-overs on the radio, or even if they just show hands or ankles in the commercials.
    They must be black.
    Oh and ALL families must be black man & White woman.

    I watched the beginning of The Price is Right yesterday and the first three contestants called to “come on down” were black.
    They also have at least one or two faggots per episode too.

    The Price is Reparations…

  3. union busting, made in mexico GMO laden crap
    eat a piece of fruit instead

    I did see oreos used to illustrate the eclipse, where they moved the top cookie over the white sugar crap to simulate the moon covering the sun. I thought that was neat. Otherwise-nope!

  4. Brad, I too am lean & vascular.
    More fit than 10 years ago.
    Two days in the gym a week and 1 or 2 5K’s running.

    That said, I don’t shy away from salt, sugar, fats, carbs, milk, caffeine, tequila, etc.
    All the boogey-man buzzwords.
    Give me a break.
    Moderation & portion control are key.

    Thing is Americans take in 25-50% more calories than they did 60 years ago.
    The average WWII American soldier was 5’9″ 160 pounds

  5. I’m 6 foot (or I was) and have vacillated from 120 to 155. I’ve always been lean. Even at 155 I was skinny — I ate like a hog, lifted daily, and was miserable as shit.

  6. My suit size never changed, though. 38R with a 30 waist and 32 inseam.

    But all of my suits are 30 years old at least, and most of them much older.

  7. Loco
    I’ve been training since Christ was a kid. It sounds like you’ve done the same. If I were to pass on a public service announcement to older folks it would be, wait for it, WORK YOUR LEGS. It’s the difference between life and death as you age. Sit in a chair, stand back up. Go find some big ass soup cans and sit in a chair and stand back up. 50 reps. Then go find some 20 pound dumb bells and sit down and stand back up. You only need to get parallel with your upper leg to the ground for a proper squat. I’ve watched a couple older relatives fade quick because they’ve lost their wheels. Don’t fall into that trap.
    End of public service announcement.

  8. I agree with working the legs, but I do it more by running.
    If you are a runner it is important to resistance train your calves.
    Otherwise you will end up with calf tears from running.
    Squats are not necessary, I prefer leg presses.
    Squats are fine for some, but not everybody.
    regardless of what you do, do ity with proper technique.

  9. Anon, remember Old Spice ads used to have manly sailors and such?
    Now only Asians in spas and black men in their ads.
    Not even the woke multi race with a token white.

    Oreos were done ling

  10. Uncle Al, anyone who shops Walmart supports keeping low wage workers poor and uninsured, as well as economically supporting Communism.
    I don’t shop there, you shouldn’t either.
    Choose that, or gay cookies, or no ‘Oreos’with your wallet.

  11. Shameless pandering to peddle a prodoct!
    Notice that they left out the black Tar Baby… which is EXACTLY what this will turn into for Nabisco! When they lose focus on the job at hand and touch the third rail of social justice, it’s over. That’s a battle that can never be won.
    Frankly, with any of this craziness, I think Leftist dupes, fear of “cancellation” and HR has hijacked the Boards of many companies which is the goal:
    Divide, Divide, Divide –
    Destroy, Destroy, Destroy!

  12. GM – Kinda like Dr Pepper – A long time ago we went on a clean up at the business and found semi-full pop bottles in the basement that had been sitting for only God knows how long and noticed that only the Dr Pepper bottles had no mold in them!


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