Palestinians in Gaza stealing food aid before it can be delivered, ‘nothing getting through.’ – IOTW Report

Palestinians in Gaza stealing food aid before it can be delivered, ‘nothing getting through.’

Sara Carter:

[…] The food aid is getting stolen before it can reach the World Food Program warehouse . . . just eight miles away. Once the food aid leaves the pier, the United Nations, international partners, and the “humanitarian community” oversee getting the aid to those who need it most. And they’re getting robbed, hijacked, and mugged. More

18 Comments on Palestinians in Gaza stealing food aid before it can be delivered, ‘nothing getting through.’

  1. Hamas = Palestinians

    Palestinians = Hamas

    It’s so simple. They are all animals that want to kill the rest of us.

    And the worst useful idiots are the liberal Jews such as Antony Blinken.

    What an insanely stupid world.

  2. Please stop insulting animals.
    Hamas are monsters, ghouls, demons, pick your favorite noun but stop calling them animals. Animals are superior to these low lifes. I might agree with’snakes’.

  3. “Humanitarian Community”…Sounds like Soros and the Clintons to me. I bet when their ships are empty, they tool on down to North Africa and pick up some “refugees” to dump in Cyprus and Greece. Somebody’s making money off this scheme, and it ain’t the Pally wharf rats. And it’s hard for me to say this, but the Israelis aren’t looking so good either.

  4. Nothing getting through.
    Nothing new.
    Just like the humanitarian Aid provided by Israel. Stolen off the trucks by Hamas before they could be delivered for distribution to needy citizens.

    Floating pier off Gaza.
    Pentagon says it cost $320 million (TAX Dollars).
    Hamas controls who gets the food, Hamas first and foremost. Biden’s funding feeding HAMAS and prolonging Israel’s efforts to protect their citizens.

  5. Is there much difference between that and the American politicians reaping ‘pay-backs’ from the stupid and unnecessary policies that they push through congress/house of representatives???

  6. The US and the rest of the west are being taken for suckers. Along with sending aid that never gets to the people who need it, a whole bunch of Yurp countries are recognizing a Palestinian “rump” state (as they used to be called) in Gaza, if I read the news correctly. The US will eventually do the same, unless a certain former President retakes the executive and stops the madness.

    Like Norway fr’instance. What does Norway and its people get from recognizing a Palestinian state? Just boatloads of shit coming their way.

    I’d stop the madness with the Hiroshima treatmant.

  7. Its war.

    You starve your enemies in war.

    If you dont it makes the war last longer and kills more people on both sides.

    See all of human history for further details.


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