Nikki Haley said on Fox and Friends that President Trump’s supporters aren’t normal people – IOTW Report

Nikki Haley said on Fox and Friends that President Trump’s supporters aren’t normal people

How deplorable!

45 Comments on Nikki Haley said on Fox and Friends that President Trump’s supporters aren’t normal people

  1. Fresh off from naming 3 animals (a giraffe, a tiger & a whale) correctly but only after sweating profusely. He went on about a new, well an idea stolen from Israel called the Iron Dome. Since that Wall worked out so good & of course Mexico paid for it too. He states we build it for other countries (not Israel’s, they designed & built their own system). He goes on to explain the complexities of the Israel ‘borrowed name’ Iron Dome. “And they calmly walk to us, and ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding… They’ve only got 17 seconds to figure this whole thing out. Boom. Okay. Missile launch. Woosh. Boom.” Oh help me, mother of God Almighty. What’s next, some light saber sound effects, pew, pew, pew, pew. Ok, you convinced me, then yells to the man in black “Call for the padded bus quick”!

  2. So, to her, it’s not normal to believe in the Constitution Of The United States Of America as the supreme law of the land. Because I’m pretty sure that most Trump supporters DO believe that it is.

    The one who’s not normal is Nikki Haley. She can say anything she wants, but she sounds EXACTLY like a Fascist and statist who doesn’t believe in the Constitution, or the rule of law in a Republic based on limited government.

    I don’t think she actually qualifies as being a ‘RINO.’

    Fortunately, after tonight, the country will be done with Nikki Haley.

  3. Young voters say why they’re turning out for Trump in NH in viral video….

    Yo biach, that’s using really a broad brush!!
    Are you stupid?
    Is pissing off over half the nation yer hobby???

  4. Let’s hope that this is a political kiss of death for Nikki Haley. What part of normal red blooded American patriots doesn’t she understand. She is another worthless friggin RINO bought and paid for by corporate America. And if God forbid, she somehow becomes the GOP nominee for president I will not hold my nose and vote for her. No way, no how, never, ever even if it means the democraps win.

  5. So she thinks it’s normal to want a govt that requires registering to post online and not griping about tax money going to endless wars, etc?
    Obviously she’s been so thoroughly bought and paid for she thinks THAT’S normal.

  6. PHenry

    I don’t think so. I think she’ll keep beating this dead horse until there’s no mathematical option. She’s the Deep States last hope of stopping Trump.
    I want to see if Sununu still has that smug condescending smile on his ugly mug. Deep State asshole.

  7. Because being fed up with corruption & lies from “political leadership” is nothing normal people feel.
    What a cunt.
    On that note, anonymoose blithely forgets to mention that much of what Trump has tried to do, FOR AMERICA & AMERICANS, has been hamstrung by democrats & RINO bitches.
    Telling half the story is still a lie.

  8. Nikki Who?

    Hubris makes some reach too soon for The Brass Ring. When they inevitably fail, their narcissism won’t allow them to admit that they, and they alone, were the cause of their own failure.

    One must know their limits.

    Nikki may have made it in the big leagues one day, but she’s wasn’t ready yet and should have stayed on the Farm Team for a few more seasons. While she may have batted .330 for the Pigeons, but she couldn’t make .133 for the Orioles.

  9. Buhbye Nikki!
    For the rest of your miserable life just know we think you suck.
    Best regards,
    the true 70% of American legitimate voters who support TRUMP, aka NORMAL PEOPLE (not fake Dominion totals, nor traitorous thieving RINOs)

  10. NeoCon Nikki really expresses the traits of the textbook definition of a narcissist, just like Hellary;

    She’s incapable of empathy, power hungry, has a superiority complex, unable to deal with criticism, extremely jealous of others, manipulative, arrogant, resentful and insecure.

    Anyone who rejects her is subject to her “wrath” and ridicule…she never forgives.
    Normal people can see through her facade – that sticks in her craw.

    Someone this psychotic should NEVER get near (again) to the White House, especially as president.
    Haley is dangerous and would take out her anger on all the “normal” people she hates. On top of all her malcontent actions, she would bring WW III to our doorsteps, yes literally.

    Be aware,The Deep State has convinces her she’ll get the Republican nomination by hook or by crook and she’s all in. What a truly evil lunatic.

  11. Haley is employing Obamalogic. It goes like this:

    Trump got 60% of the vote. 500,000 people voted.
    Thus, only 300,000 people voted for him.

    There are 3,000,000 eligible voters. So 90% of the voters didn’t want Trump. Therefore, 90% would vote for me for President.

    Thus I am the most electable candidate.

  12. Actually, I think she is correct. We are NOT normal.

    We are extraordinarily brilliant, exceptionally able to logically debate any topic and WIN, and never need to rely on deception or injustice to manage our lives.

    So, thank you, normal deviant, deceptive Nikki. Now, register as a Democrat, your true and proper party affiliation.

  13. Primitive, tribal people from the Asian subcontinent. Caste system mentality, with no Christian sense of right and wrong. All relationships are power based and there is no modifier on the dominance of power in the culture. Boss is KING and subordinate is SLAVE. That’s Nimarata and her kind.


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