Nikolas Cruz Could Have Been Stopped By Scott Israel – IOTW Report

Nikolas Cruz Could Have Been Stopped By Scott Israel

It’s ludicrous that we are arguing over whether the cops were called to look in on Nikolas Cruz 33 times or 45 times.

The fact is law enforcement failed for whatever reason, and this is the one time I agree in boycotting Israel.

The “survivors,” on their world tour of lefty media sites, need to turn their gaze at the person that was sworn to serve and protect and did no such thing in regards to a maniac that plenty of people predicted would try and kill them.

No, they want to take away our protection and leave it to these incompetents.


ht/ C. Steven Tucker

27 Comments on Nikolas Cruz Could Have Been Stopped By Scott Israel

  1. Israel should be forced into retirement WITHOUT PAY, BENEFITS, OR RETIREMENT. Hopefully to live out his final days in the public eye as a mall cop, to be derided with much laughter.
    Any good he may have done in his earlier life is totally negated by this total failure at the school, and loss of 17 lives.

    One “aw shit” erases a thousand “atta boys”.

  2. And why are none of the news outlets bringing up the collusion between the Broward sheriff and the Broward County school board? Sundance at conservative treehouse has already don’te the research for them.

  3. I’ve a feeling our friend at the Treehouse will be instrumental in blowing the lid off the obama disparate impact doctrine. He’s graciously offered his knowledge/documentation gratis to facilitate legal movement on this.
    This is personal and dates back to Trayvon.

    I read the 33 pg ESSA/PROMISE agreement. Many, many signators to the agreement (from BOE, NAACP, States Atty, States Reps, County Sheriff/Police Union Rep, & every municipality within Broward), most likely are lawyering up.

  4. What about the radical muzlim angle in all of this… on the part of both the Sheriff’s office and the perp? Quite frankly it almost looks like they were cultivating a human pressure cooker bomb and just waiting for it to explode! Now tell me you wouldn’t put that past radical muzlim ideology!

  5. There’s a bootlegger-era Florida statute authorizing the Governor to “remove” a county sheriff for corruption or gross incompetence/failure to maintain order.

    Scott is not a brave man. But he does have authority to do more than “investigate” Israel.

  6. What about the FL Atty Gnl? What’s her name, who sat at the left elbow of POTUS this past week and is chattering about gun laws? Doesn’t she figure into this whole thing? Pam Bondi.

  7. AA. Pam Bondi became AG 2011, which predates the ESSA agreements first implemented in Miami-Dade Co, and later Broward.

    BTW, Hamze, the Muslim outreach deputy, spoke at another mosque a few years back to instruct them on how to protect themselves & their 2nd A rights, ya know, because of Islamaphobia and all.
    Weird thing, it was in Tampa, which is NOT in Broward Co., and last I checked he would have no authoritative jurisdiction in Hillsborough Co.

  8. The commies are winning again. Deputy Scott Peterson “Called in a description of the shooter and set up a perimeter defense.” Are you phucking kidding me?
    He was joined at the perimeter by three other deputies.
    None of them entered the building and engaged the shooter.
    I simply cannot believe this happened in America.
    Now the bad guys are The NRA, and the heroes are punk David Hagg and his bald dykette slut friend. Vomit!

  9. Are people like this Obama’s “sleeper cells”, RATS willing to create mayhem for the “greater good”… their Agenda?
    Are these the caterpillar legs of the Deep State’s Coup? Barry, Ayers, Dorne, and the communists of the 60’s and this new Millennium were willing for millions of innocents to die so that they might receive their kingdom.
    Trump was our reprieve, it does not take a careful gaze to see who the enemy is. Drive them out Mr. T!

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