Ninth US tourist dies at Dominican Republic resort – IOTW Report

Ninth US tourist dies at Dominican Republic resort

17 Comments on Ninth US tourist dies at Dominican Republic resort

  1. And still no reports of Europeans being afflicted? They’re claiming mosquito control products are to blame, how does that work?

    Maybe it’s best, if you’re that stupid to go despite all the news of deaths then Darwin will be happy to make your reservations.

  2. First thing we were met with when we stepped foot onto Dominican soil, were women selling voodoo dolls – pins included. These people never left their tribal roots, third world shit holes. Beautiful hotels set on beautiful beaches with a fence around it to keep the locals out. Do you think the locals like catering to rich people while they live in squalor? They don’t have to live in squalor, it only takes a broom, a bottle of bleach and garbage cans to keep your living space clean. That’s what’s coming across our borders. The homeless here are no better, they’re ALL cut from the same cloth.

  3. MJA – and then there is “dock that Chink a day’s pay fer nappin’ on the job!”

    And don’t forget “Qualifications?”
    “Rape, Murder, Arson and Rape.”
    “But you said rape twice?”
    “I like rape!”
    “ha-ha-ha! He’ll do!”

    “Badges? We don’t need no stinking badges!”


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