NJ Dem gov candidate refuses to call on ‘guilty’ Menendez to resign – IOTW Report

NJ Dem gov candidate refuses to call on ‘guilty’ Menendez to resign

American Mirror: Phil Murphy, Democratic candidate for governor of New Jersey, doesn’t want to “speculate” on whether Sen. Bob Menendez should resign if he’s convicted of corruption in his ongoing trial.


At the final gubernatorial debate Wednesday night, CBS2’s Kristine Johnson posed the question.

“If Senator Menendez is convicted of corruption, should he resign?” Johnson asked.

Murphy didn’t hesitate.

“Listen, I think any speculation on someone who is in the middle of a trial is a complete waste of time,” he said. “So the answer is he’s innocent until proven guilty, and let’s see how this turns out. Period.”

“But if he is proven guilty, and convicted, will you ask him to resign?” Johnson pressed.

“I’m not going to speculate. I’ll wait to see how this turns out. That’s what we all should do,” Murphy said. “The lieutenant governor is a lawyer and she should would also know persons are allowed their full extent of the law.”



Despite Democratic candidate’s attempt to put words in the mouth of his opponent, Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno, she offered a much different response.

“Mrs. Guadagno, should Senator Menendez be convicted of corruption, should he resign?” Johnson questioned.

“Absolutely,” Guadagno said. “It is an embarrassment that Phil Murphy has stood silently by the side of Senator Menendez for two years while he’s been under indictment. It will be an even greater embarrassment if we have a United States senator representing the State of New Jersey in the Senate in Washington D.C.”

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6 Comments on NJ Dem gov candidate refuses to call on ‘guilty’ Menendez to resign

  1. @Ted Tedd; Um, Ted I think you need to read the story again. She is indicating that if convicted he needs to resign immediately. When will people realize that Senators (or MP’s or Congressman, whatever) not only have to be honest they have to appear honest. While Menendez, if found guilty, may have the right of appeal his career as political figure should be over for at least as long as he drags out appeals. If finally found not guilty he starts all over again trying to gain the people’s trust. That might not seem fair but it’s the price people pay for power and the perks that come with it. We seem to have lost that somewhere in the last 25 years.

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