No Comment – IOTW Report

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Looters in Houston, while people drown.

37 Comments on No Comment

  1. It is a feakin mess down here! We’ve already got 25″ and more to come. Some people are staying in their home just for this reason. One looter was shot and killed, but the news won’t tell you that! I’m sure when the water subsides, there will be more of it!

  2. I remember reading about a hurricane in Galveston back in the early 1900’s where the national guard or army (?) shot looters and people taking pictures on site.
    Not a bad idea

  3. Scavenging and Looting

    Scavenging is when a disaster occurs and you have to steal bread and water and maybe some canned goods to feed your family until Gummint help arrives.

    Looting is when assholes like these take advantage of a disaster to steal valuable stuff like TV’s and other goods while law enforcement is busy doing things like SAVING LIVES.

    Screw that “hands up, dont shoot” bullshit. It should be “You Loot, We Shoot”

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