No evidence of Russian ‘play’ to help Trump; briefer may have ‘overstated’ intelligence, official says – IOTW Report

No evidence of Russian ‘play’ to help Trump; briefer may have ‘overstated’ intelligence, official says

FOX: Contrary to numerous recent media reports, there is no evidence to suggest that Russia is making a specific “play” to boost President Trump’s reelection bid, a U.S. intelligence official told Fox News on Sunday.

In addition, top U.S. election official Shelby Pierson, who briefed Congress on Russian election interference efforts, may have overstated intelligence regarding the issue when speaking to the House Intelligence Committee earlier this month, the source added.

U.S. intelligence officials have publicly testified only that the Russians have been using “information warfare” ahead of the election. Fox News is told Democrats pressed Pierson on whether Russia was trying to help Trump, and accurate context or perspective to her responses failed to emerge.

Intelligence agencies have made great strides in preventing Russian interference this year, Fox News also was told.

Republican lawmakers who were in the Pierson briefing noted that Trump has taken on Russia in numerous ways, one official present told The Associated Press. The White House has opposed Russia’s major proposed pipeline in Germany, provided deadly arms to Ukraine and accused Russia of violating key arms treaties, among other measures. read more

9 Comments on No evidence of Russian ‘play’ to help Trump; briefer may have ‘overstated’ intelligence, official says

  1. The Briefer needs to be fired. No BS about them deciding it was time to move on or that it was a mutual decision but fired for cause. It should also be put out as a news release which ought to make any others in a similar position think twice about listening to their deep state handlers.

  2. Makes sense. Russia rely’s on the US to maintain a balance of power, just like the rest of the world does.
    I don’t see anyone on the dem platform that stands tall enough.

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