No, it wasn’t a bear on a bike path… – IOTW Report

No, it wasn’t a bear on a bike path…

…it was a bike on a bear path.

ht/ illustr8r

27 Comments on No, it wasn’t a bear on a bike path…

  1. Wrong Jethro. The best thing to do in that situation is to immediately stop and grab the nearest stick and draw a circle around you.

    I wish I could claim credit for that info but it was one of the comments on youtube.

  2. Timothy Treadwell was unavailable for comment. He has a continuing engagement as bear fertilizer somewhere in Katmai Alaska. On the ground. In a pile. It’s probably a smaller pile by now.

  3. Many years ago I backpack camped in near territory. Sure enough a bear sneaked up behind us and raised a bunch of of hell. Pounding his feet on the ground and howling.

    Make sure your camping buddy is slower than you are.

    By the time my buddy said Hey Henry, I already had 100 yards on them.

  4. Grizzly’s are Drawn to me , I’ve been Pursued twice and been lucky twice.
    Once on the Susitna river a Huuuge Mother and her two mature Cubs (huge)chased us on land , then water for our getaway. They chased 5 miles or so…Terrifying !

  5. Ed. That comment must be for me:
    We Pulled the raft onto a small river Island , and they Charged across 20 ft of water to us and yes they Actually Ran across sandy moist soil, as we Flew ourselves in the raft. Try Alaska Ed , the Bears get out of their cages everyday !!!

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