Bolton To Russia; Drop Dead – IOTW Report

Bolton To Russia; Drop Dead

According to an unnamed White House official, we have tried for years to get Russia to keep their commitments in the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Treaty but they keep deploying nuke-tipped cruise missiles and refuse to allow inspections.

National Security Advisor John Bolton will meet with the Russians next Friday to inform them that we’re breaking the treaty.

8 Comments on Bolton To Russia; Drop Dead

  1. Russia will lie to your face and do whatever is in their desired interest anyway. They are always only out for their evil interest.

    They’re bad liars about it because it’s not like anyone can question them or hold them accountable in their media or elections. Same with the Saudis ever changing excuses about the Khashoggi guy.

    So, why trust them with our uranium, monitoring Syrian chemical weapons, overseeing the Iran nuke deal, sowing communists in Latin America again, etc., etc.

    There is great pragmatism in calling things what they are than the diplomatic kabuki that has failed for the last 27 or so years.

    Like China, they view us as an enemy. It is high time that we take their view of things seriously and quit dicking around with meaningless peace deals where we sacrifice everything and our regional allies in exchange for pie in the sky 30 years from now.

    I’m grateful that a realist like Bolton is finally in that job.


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