‘No More Money to This Corrupt Syndicate’: Patricia Heaton Takes on the Catholic Church over Predator Priests – IOTW Report

‘No More Money to This Corrupt Syndicate’: Patricia Heaton Takes on the Catholic Church over Predator Priests


Actress Patricia Heaton is known for her devotion to God and for helping others in need – and now her faith is pushing her to take a serious stand. She used social media this week to express her discontent with the Roman Catholic Church and the ongoing abuse scandals that have rocked the church from Pennsylvania all the way to Vatican City.

Heaton, most recently the star of TV’s “The Middle” and “Everybody Loves Raymond,” tweeted a note about watching an interview with Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the archbishop of Washington, who’s facing calls for his resignation.  A bombshell grand jury report this week on rampant abuse in six Pennsylvania dioceses accused Wuerl of helping to protect some child-molesting priests while he was bishop of Pittsburgh from 1988 to 2006.

The report identifies more than a thousand victims of 300 “predator priests” who sexually abused children all the way back to 1940.

“Watched another interview with @Cardinal_Wuerl,” Heaton wrote. “Bottom line – the Catholic Church will have zero moral authority until everyone who abused or abetted is gone. No excuses. Until then, no more money to this corrupt syndicate.  @Pontifex @CardinalDolan”


ht/ annie

I was sent an email today with the name of a particular priest that is on the list. I knew this priest growing up. Yikes.

34 Comments on ‘No More Money to This Corrupt Syndicate’: Patricia Heaton Takes on the Catholic Church over Predator Priests

  1. Being divorced, I Can’t take part in the Eucharist. However, that plus the current communist Pope and this crap makes me want to find something else.

    I sincerely mean this: does anyone have another church I can go to that is not leftist or hyper-judgemental?

  2. I’m not Catholic, but our former local Catholic Priest was Fr. Frank Paduch. Google him if you want to know what that POS was up to over the years. He was being protected by the Catholic Church, too.

  3. @RadioMattM you’ll never know unless you try. Seek and ye shall find, to paraphrase a verse.

    Judgemental people are in every church. Just look past them.

    Churches with “community” or faith in the name are generally good.

  4. I’m not a catholic nor do I play one on the web. I do have sincere devout friends who are catholic and my hear breaks for them. Every morning I tune in to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLsL9C0k3pQ because that guy is a devout catholic and he has been raging against this for years.

    This needs to end and it needed to end for decades plus. Again, there are good Catholics in the world and my heart goes out to them.

    Radio Matt- the only two groups that I’m personally aware of where 95% of the congregates are well to the right of Mitt Romney and would make Rush Limbaugh look moderate while not requiring you to dance with snakes or roll on the floor are 1. Orthodox Judaism 2. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (problem there- there are a lot of haters who are going to hate on that because “Mormons aren’t Christians” to which I would say- you haven’t really listened to what they are saying have you? Yes they believe some odd things. More odd than Jesus Christ was the Son of God, was crucified for the sins of the world and 3 days after was resurrected? (They believe that too mind you). If one can believe that proposition then anything you can add in a negative way like “well, they believe ____” just kind of falls flat. Just preemptively dealing with those that hate on Mormons because They believe that _________. We all have differences but I like to think we all have more in common than not and that goes for the Mormons as well.

  5. Some bishops are responding well. Search ‘Bishop Molino letter’ for a fine example of what all bishops should be saying loudly.
    We finally have a good bishop in our (different) diocese and I hope we don’t lose him in an overzealous purge… because I know some of the power hungry frauds waiting in the wings.

  6. To post or not to post. That is the question…

    Yeah, okay. I’ve said it MANY times before and will say it again here…

    As most know the “Cat Lickers” used to have this thing (still might, they’ve changed a bunch of shit) where you gave up something for Lent. Having spent a very short time in the seminary and seeing how the sausage was made (no pun intended), it gave me the perfect fast for Lent (for me personally) I’ve kept the fast for my entire life! I gave up “organized religion.”

    If any of it works for anyone else, more power to you. I’ve been poisoned to all of it for myself and can’t look past the personalities for the supposed principles. As it was once said to me by a friend as we were leaving the church after a baptism of my twins, “Another stinking pile of dogma.”

  7. I’ve searched both the original John Jay report and this new Pennsylvania reporting, looking unsuccessfully for a summary table counting victims by sex CROSSED by age. Gee, it’s like no one wants to make it too obvious what the problem is really about.

  8. I have an acquaintance that works part time as for domestic protection agency. They have contracts with Twitter, FB, and Google. But he tells me their biggest client is the Catholic Church.
    I found that interesting.

  9. NY considering Pennsylvania style grand jury to investigate priest abuse.
    I have very mixed feelings about this. Don’t get me wrong It needs to be investigated and the guilty need to be punished, But I don’t trust the socialist corrupt leaders in NY, or the media. I could see them using this as a sledge hammer to normalize pedophilia, and demonizing all religions and Christians, and curtailing first amendment rights of free speech and religion.

  10. Bad_Brad AUGUST 19, 2018 AT 11:59 PM
    I have an acquaintance that works part time as for domestic protection agency. They have contracts with Twitter, FB, and Google. But he tells me their biggest client is the Catholic Church.
    I found that interesting.

    Shift is almost over so I won’t be able to continue to follow this one till tomorrow AM. That said I ran into one of the Brothers that was at the seminary many years later (Brother as in the ones wearing the backwards collar with the little line running perpendicular in it. The ones who could make it as a full priest.) Anyway After some of the things I promised myself I’d do I just din’t have it in me to kick his worthless piece of shit ass. He had walked away from the church and the headmaster had been removed. The headmaster’s replacement blew his brains out in cloister. Was a fun place to be out of or from… I just felt nothing but contempt for the man while totally lacking the ability physical ability to bust him up and at that point it would have been easily accomplished. Didn’t even want to do it for some strange reason. Gotta end here…

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLsL9C0k3p
    @ Pelopidas Micheal Voris at Catholic Militant has been fighting tis for a long time. As a Catholic I share his outrage at the current leadership of the church.

    FR Peter West is one of the few priest who is a light shining in the darkness that has been invading the church for the last 100 (1500?) years.

    and yes face book is doing as much as the can to silence him


  12. There is only one descision Catholic’s who want to Worship in a Clean Environment Dedicated to Jesus Christ can make, get Rid of all Unmarried Men Period ! That is assuming they wish to Keep their worship an Money allied with the Vatican, which is a Global Conglomerate that Sells some fake Gaurantee of Heaven as it’s only Product.

  13. RadioMattM: I can’t recommend a specific church or denomination, but I would suggest that a church isn’t entirely necessary. If you’re Christian, I’ll refer you to Matthew 22:37-40.
    Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
    This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it,
    Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
    On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

    If you keep that in your heart, you will do well. It is there, you just have to keep and cultivate it. It was given to each of us for safe keeping. (the deviant priests did not cherish their gift).
    I wish you success in your search. You certainly aren’t alone in that search, and it is always nice to meet another who is looking.

  14. My question is how much of the money I have given to the Catholic Church over the years has gone to lawyers to defend these POSs or to pay damages to the victims? I’m torn about the latter—it’s a Christian duty to help the victims, but it shouldn’t be the church that is inflicting the damages I’m paying to ameliorate.

  15. There’s an amazing documentary about Saul Alinsky called “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”. Very highly recommended!

    Apparently, ole Saul infiltrated the Catholic Church, and along with his cohorts put thousands of “fellow travelers” into the church body beginning in the 1940’s.

    What’s happening with all of this corruption in the Catholic church is the direct result of those actions begun decades ago.

    Does anyone wonder why this is coming out now? Supposedly this has been happening for the last sixty years, right?

    Perhaps it has something to do with the most important mid-term elections in American history.

  16. Chance, you are correct this has been in the making for decades. The book “Goodbye, Good Men” also explains the problems in the seminaries were intentional. Our Lady of Fatima warned us the family would be attacked, as the family is the last defense of the Church. That attack is through homosexuality, I consider this to be the last stand. If we end up with a faithful remnant Church, so be it.

  17. @RadioMattM —

    It took too long for this Christian to figure out that choosing a church is a lot like choosing a political party. It helps to know what one actually believes before aligning oneself with an organization. That sounds pretty lame, but there it is. And what I mean by that is that until you take the time to really learn the story of God and Jesus Christ, it’s very hard to know where you, yourself, stand, or what is truly biblical and what is not. Deeply knowing the main tenets of the bible made all the difference for me.

    So, this is what worked best for me and helped both me and Geoff C. to discern what a good church is: We spent several years attending a weekly bible study; a really intense study. There are two national groups who study the bible in-depth: Bible Study Fellowship and Community Bible Study. Both focus exclusively on the bible, do not want to know what your Christian history is (what church you attended or currently attend, or never attend), and while they teach the truth of the bible, neither of them try to tell you what to think about the things you learn. It’s kinda hard to describe, but I guess you could call it as close to pure exegesis as it gets. It’s from that position of knowledge one can discern a real bible-based church from something else and what you gain from a solid bible education is the confidence to search for the church that gets it right in all the ways that actually matter. This came home to us just a few years ago when we had to leave a church that we really loved (the people). It was terribly hard to do, but it took a couple years to put 2 and 2 and 2 together regarding their understanding of baptism and salvation. They had it way wrong and it was as wrong as wrong could be — according the bible. We couldn’t ignore it, so we had to leave.

    I hope this is helpful.

  18. Most here will reject this but this very topic illustrates the reason I’m a fundamentalist.

    A fundamentalist is someone who takes the Bible as the word of God to man, someone who assumes it says what He means and means what He said.

    Now before someone brings it up (someone always does), Scripture is not open to any private interpretation. But like atheist Mark Twain said, there’s much in the Bible that can’t be misunderstood and those were the parts that scared him. He was correct to be scared.

    Please look at it this way:

    Every single human being will stand before the Throne in judgment, if they are outside of Christ (for those in Christ, He took that judgment for them at the Cross).

    At that judgment, there will be no pastor, no priest, no minister as a go-between or advocate to defend you. Each will answer for his/her own sins, and he/she will do it ALONE. That is a Bible fact.

    So it makes sense that if everyone outside of Christ will stand alone before God, then everyone at risk of that judgment had better have a solid understanding of what God has said about Himself and about us, and get saved by Christ before they die, “for it is appointed unto all men once to die, THEN JUDGMENT.”

    You will find the understanding of how to be saved ONLY in His word — NOT filtered down in private interpretations from human hierarchies — Protestant, Catholic or otherwise.

    If you don’t want to stand before God on your own – and if you’re lost, you will – you’d best be sure you understand what God wrote TO YOU, without trusting in what other people SAY God said…many of whom you now know to be homosexuals and rapists of children, and those who covered for them…all of them bound for Hell.



    Eternity in the Lake of Fire is at stake if you’re wrong, with no hope of escape. That’s another Bible fact.

    “But that’s what my church told me to believe! They said that’s what You wanted me to believe!” will be no excuse before the Throne.

    God could well reply, “I gave you My word in the Bible, but you trusted in what men said instead of what I said.”

    You will have no excuse. Read the Bible for yourself, starting with the book of Romans to see exactly what our natural condition REALLY IS in the eyes of God.

  19. Amazed at how quickly people condemn the institutions for actions of the individuals. Go back 70 years in the Pennsylvania public school system (or any institution) and you would easily find 300 perverts and thousands of victims with countless administrators trying to cover it up.
    In no way condoning the behavior, just saying I grew up in the Church and had nothing but positive experiences.
    “All that’s necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing.” -Edmund Burke.

  20. RadioMattM

    Come home to the Orthodox Church

    Why America is in spiritual decline – Father Seraphim Cardoza

    The goal of Christianity – Fr. Seraphim Cardoza

    5 Differences Between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church

    The Divine Liturgy of the Greek Orthodox Church in English

    Hymn to the Mother of God, O Virgin Pure-Orthodox Byzantine Chant in English. Click on “show more” for complete prayer in English

  21. The church of jesus christ of latter day saints has problems too. Protect the children.org. Bishops ask 8 year olds if the touch themselves, if they ask what do you mean? The bishops gives graphic details how its done, with a big helping of shame. Thats just a start to the shaming and questions.

  22. Pelopidas

    I have been following Michael Voris & Church Militant for almost two decades. Predating that I personally recognized that the leadership of The Church was infested with reprobates and as an entity teh NCCB is irredeemably corrupt. That is when I began to constrain any and all donations I made to any entity within The Church.

  23. RADIOMATT: try the podcast of COE22 – non-denominational, straight from the Bible. Pastor Joby Martin is very informative & quite funny. website is: coe22.com

    God Bless!!

  24. I was going to thank everyone who responded to my question by name but the list got so long. Thank you all very much.

    My son mentioned the Orthodox church several years ago. I should look into it. However, I usually work Sundays so that limits going to services.

    You all have given me much to think about. While I philosophically like what the Catholic church has to say (or is it being sentimental?), I just can’t go with it any more. I am remarried (as I understand it, the Church does not care if you are divorced as long as you do not move on to other relationships that would be viewed as violating the sanctity of the first marriage).

    I do believe that a person’s relationship with Christ is what’s important here, I have known a number of people who used that as an excuse to not be active in a church. I am not suggesting that that is the reason given by people here — in fact, some of the comments stated above indicate a far greater love of Christ than many “practicing” Christians have. I just can’t help but think that there is something to be said about being part of a community.

    Part of my belief is that God does not micro-manage people’s lives. I believe He gives you guidance. You can follow it or not, but you should be ready to pay the price if you do not.


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