No more pussy footing – “protesters” need to be dealt with – IOTW Report

No more pussy footing – “protesters” need to be dealt with

What do I mean by “dealt with”?

Poker players will know what I mean when they see the picture I chose.

36 Comments on No more pussy footing – “protesters” need to be dealt with

  1. The dead man’s hand. Recognized it right away, not because of poker but because Sig Sauer made a limited edition pistol with that as a logo a while back. I didn’t buy one but I sure wanted to.

  2. If they show up in my Northern California County, like they’re suppose to, and start any shit, we will make the National News. You would not believe the transformation this county has made in 36 hours. They have a Motorcycle Club, that’s been deputized, patrolling main street Placerville because the Sheriffs Department is focusing all of it’s resources in the city I live in. Open carry. They don’t call Placerville Hang-town without justification.

  3. The police are dealing with it alright.

    By kneeling to the looters.

    They’ve done it in Portland, and now they’ve done it in Fayetteville, NC.

    Like i’ve been saying. Only respond when they come to a small conservative town.

    As long as they’re in a larger liberal city—let them annihilate each other. It’s the first step towards returning to a decent country.

  4. The bad thing is that while shooting the rioters dead is appropriate, that is exactly what the left wants. That’s why they are not only allowing the riots, they are fueling and supplying them.

  5. pbunyan

    Maybe, but it’s got to stop, and there’s only one thing that’s going to stop them. And that is the cold hard truth. Where are the parents? Some of these “Protesters” are not shaving yet. There are young girls in the crowd. This is a total break down of responsible parenting and some “children” are going to get hurt. Justifiably so.

  6. What you are suggesting is an attack on the Progressive movement/Democrat Party’s foot soldiers. They are what the SS was the National Socialists. It will be met with resistance.

    We already see the media running interference for them.

  7. Here’s a song about that poker hand and the situation…

    …and no, your phone isn’t broken, Lemmy ACTUALLY sounds like that…

    “You know I’m born to lose, and gambling’s for fools
    But that’s the way I like it baby
    I don’t wanna live for ever
    And don’t forget the joker!
    Pushing up the ante, I know you gotta see me
    Read ’em and weep, the dead man’s hand again
    I see it in your eyes, take one look and die
    The only thing you see, you know it’s gonna be the Ace of Spades”
    -Motörhead, “Ace of Spades”

    (And no, that’s NOT what umlauts do, either, they just thought it looked cool…)

  8. Well, to Biden’s credit ,yesterday he advocated shooting the legs of Protestors who did not know who George Floyd was…this idea of Biden’s could result in about 5729 legs shot nationally (one leg per future Democrat congressman) . So, good for him for presenting a plan.

  9. I have to go out of state tomorrow through Friday night. I’ve been deciding my route by which cities are looting and rioting. Only one I can’t avoid, but hoping they stay where they’ve been instead of on the main Interstate across the city.
    If not I’m prepared, I will not stop, so it’s best you not get in front of me and I will also be well armed. My daughter and grandbabies will be with me, so I will defend their lives and anyone attempting to stop my truck or break out a window will be shot on the spot.
    Hopefully, like I said we will not have to worry about it as there is only one stretch where it’s possible, the rest of our travels will be small towns and rural areas.

  10. pbunyan,
    Yes, shoot them dead. But how do you make a martyr out of someone who…………disappears?
    Learn The Four Esses. Practice as many as possible.
    Shut Up

  11. Start at the top and deport George Soros immediately back to Hungary and let them deal with him. The Hungarians will not be as lenient with him as we might and might actually hang the bastard for all his crimes against humanity. And then freeze all of his monetary assets to pay for reparations for all the havoc and chaos that he has done.

  12. The cop in the video lived. Also, I’d love to see a “neighborhood watch” form for downtown businesses where all the business owners and employees show up armed to defend the area from rioters and looters.

  13. pbunyan
    JUNE 2, 2020 AT 2:16 PM
    “The bad thing is that while shooting the rioters dead is appropriate, that is exactly what the left wants. That’s why they are not only allowing the riots, they are fueling and supplying them.”

    …Just waiting for thar out-of-context shot they can ruin the United States with…

    ….remember THIS one? I’m sure our Vietnam vets do…

    This was presented in American media as a deliberate U.S. firebombing of civilians just ’cause they could, and the hulking troops American soldiers sent to finish the job.

    All of which was a lie.

    It was a South Vietnamese mission gone wrong and those were South Vietnamese troops that were guarding the village and came, successfully, to the girl’s aid. She was saved and eventually conveted to Christianity, got used for propaganda by the victorious North Vienamese, defected to Canada, and set up a foundation for child victims of war. Pretty remarkable story, worth a read in her own words below.

    …but that didn’t serve the media. At best, they presented the image with no context. Is everything I told you just now availabe at a look? Is that what you’d think at a glance?

    Probably NOT. worst, it was “baby murderer” anti-American troop false narative that was used to make America hate its own military for no good reason at all. You could justify hating the LEADERS, Kennedy for getting us there and LBJ for ramping it WAY up or Nixon for how/when he exited, but the troops didn’t deserve it, ESPECIALLY HERE since no Americans were involved.

    Its like the one where the South Vietnamese general executed an infiltrator. You know the one:

    …this one too poisoned America against her soldiers, again even though no Americans were involved. This one’s so without context that even the PHOTOGRAPHER felt bad about the way it was used and what it did to the GENERAL. In HIS words,

    “I killed the general with my camera. Still photographs are the most powerful weapon in the world. People believe them, but photographs do lie, even without manipulation. They are only half-truths. What the photograph didn’t say was, “What would you do if you were the general at that time and place on that hot day, and you caught the so-called bad guy after he blew away one, two or three American soldiers?” ”,33009,988783,00.html

    …That’s what the guy who took the PICTURE said. Not our MEDIA. Even THEN, they were tearing this Nation down for fun and profit, mostly fun, and history tells you they were QUITE successful.

    That’s what the Democrats and our Enemedia wants NOW. That ONE photo of a “Typical Redneck” in a MAGA hat shooting an apparently unarmed Black man or…better still, a Black WOMAN…so they can finish satans purpose and wreck this Nation for GOOD.

    And it won’t matter what the context is. It won’t matter if there’s a weapon on the Black woman that you can’t see, if there’s a CROWD of armed Black men behind the one shot, if the White man is protecting a pregnant wife or a fallen child.

    It won’t matter. The picture will be cropped and photoshopped to eliminate any visual context, and the narrative will be whatever Anderson Cooper and Joy Behar WANT it to be.

    That’s what you’ll get. White, MAGA hat racist shoots unarmed Black woman. Riot at 11.

    …That’s what they WANT, anyway. When the shooting starts, no matter how justified, that’s exactly what they’ll GET, too.

    Our enemy has no honor, no principle, no moral compass, and a seared conscious. They live by the motto, BY WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY.

    Not saying there won’t be a time to shoot.

    Just be aware that, when you DO, you can’t stop until every last democrat is dead.

    Or YOU are.

    It’s that simple.

  14. Gonad the Barbarian
    JUNE 2, 2020 AT 2:14 PM
    “The police are dealing with it alright.

    By kneeling to the looters.

    They’ve done it in Portland, and now they’ve done it in Fayetteville, NC.”

    …and in Cincinnati, after 3 days of riots, a cop shot in his ballistic helmet, and an 8 PM to 6 AM curfew…

    …no White person will EVER be Chief in a large city AGAIN. Cincinnati won’t even LOOK locally, they always go on interstate hunts and one time even hired one for Chief that wasn’t even legally a POLICE OFFICER in Ohio. But he still illegally wore an Ohio police officers uniform and met any challenge to it with “Racist”.

    …and at the end of the day, they are ALWAYS political creatures and will ALWAYS be Black before being Chief.


    God help us. No one else will.

  15. @Bad-Brad: “Maybe, but it’s got to stop, and there’s only one thing that’s going to stop them. And that is the cold hard truth.”

    … and hot lead.

  16. Even if the left is trying to foment the death of a looter, the “in the street” plan relies on willing dupes to protest and riot. Shoot a looter, and the dupes will not go into the streets anymore.

  17. Meanwhile, LA cops are arresting business owners who are defending their businesses with firearms.
    Starting to wonder just who it is who needs to get shot, the lotters just doing the jobs Americans won’t do or the cops who won’t do their job..
    It’s like fucking NO during Katrina.

  18. Mobile Alabama, they just closed the local mall for a “peaceful protest”. The wife works there & we live a couple miles away. There’s a Target, Dillard’s & a very popular tennis shoe store, seems like ripe picking to me. It’s bracaded & lots of Police so we’ll see.

  19. @Bad-Brad: “Maybe, but it’s got to stop, and there’s only one thing that’s going to stop them. And that is the cold hard truth.”

    Lord knows, we sure haven’t gotten the hard truth about the cold.

  20. There should be deadly force, and only against cracker ass Infantifa agitators. When they start exploding into pink mist, I’m pretty sure the looters will get the message. And bingo, no black martyrs!

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