This abomination against the National Anthem should result in immediate revoking of citizenship!! If you don’t love this country….LEAVE!!!
She can shove that microphone up her corpulent black ass… check
maybe someone will do one like ….
“Oh say can you see
no negros to curse our country?
hispanics are cool,
so are Asians, no fool.
Oh say does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave,
for every one … except those that prefer to stay slaves.”
… can’t you just hear the uproar?
She is filthy swine. But not even as useful as a pig.
like the black messiah said. “you can put lipstick on a pig, but its still a pig”
^^^^ but enough about Mike Obama
Ingratitude and resentment masquerading as concern is never pretty. Never. In fact trying to score woke points is always undignified. She can shove it up her black ass.
No talent butt fucking ugly cunt. They should have cut her mic.
I would say fuck her, but I wouldn’t do it with a borrowed dick.
Of course slaves know how to build shit…
just look at Africa.
Pillar of accomplishment
Exactly. Slaves owned nothing, probably not even their clothes and food provided by their masters.
What did slaves build? The wooden shacks they lived in, maybe. Not owning or building anything substantial is not their fault, it’s just part of being a slave.
We owed them nothing but their freedom. Paid in full by 1865. The strident ones can fuck off. Reparations is just a way for guilty liberals to feel better about themselves.
The fat pig bitch that invented her own words for our NA can get her fat arse back to the pig sty and stay there.
What slaves? Oh, you mean Taxpayers. Eat shit and die you worthless fuck.
Apparently blacks are still slaves. Okay, not ALL of them, but dare I say most of them. At least half. Their lives have little meaning outside of crying about injustice. Any day now their ‘repamations’ will come in the form of a giant Publishers Clearing house check with whites in tow ready to peel grapes and wave palm fronds while they suck on a coconut cocktail in a hammock. Sooner than that cocktail is finished there will exist a whole new set of oppression to complain about. The best country in the world has been gifted upon them and this is how they act. It’s the same country that has been gifted to ALL of us that are alive today. Only one group has a chip on their shoulders, there’s no reason to expect it to go away, at this point, regardless of how much pandering, white guilt, or black privilege exists. It might be easier to just make them actual slaves so their complaining will have merit because the carrot hasn’t worked.
But “BRILLIANT” people like
Will never understand what you’re talking about !
The South where 98% of slaves existed had just 20% of the nations industrial capacity.
Slaves made up just 2% of the population of the South.
99% of slaves were illiterate, had no education whatever, could not calculate and had limited access to rudimentary tools.
So we are somehow supposed to believe that an 2% population entirely devoid of skills, education, literacy, and access to technology built this great country.
As Dr. Evil would say: “Riiightt”
No reason to try to make sense of a racist ideologue.
She’s a rabid, ignorant racist who has no knowledge of History.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
After listening to Glen Campbell and Wayne Newton…..GROSS!
No talent over made up loser is a coward who will complain about this country non stop but never leave it.
“… who will complain about this country non stop but never leave it.”
She knows which side of the bread the butter is on.
She knows that Africa is Hell-on-Earth BECAUSE it’s inhabited by maggots like her.
No ticket to Wakanda for her!
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
fat ass needs to visit st louis, chicago, baltimore, oakland, memphis, or detroit to see what the black community has built for themselves
No Slaves Didn’t Build This Country
What they did build was generations of bastards, generations of welfare, and generations of illiteracy, and claim that their lives matter more than anyone else. Illiterate arrogance.
I wonder how people that feel this way would do with a mule and 40 acres.
Nothing else, that’s it, your own your own.
Most likely outcome they would starve if they didn’t freeze first.
Look at the angry indoctrination Disney is teaching kids in cartoons now.
Look at the angry indoctrination Disney is teaching kids in cartoons now.
The thought is black labor-white wealth. Enslaved Africans in America built this country. Without the labor this country would not have been built. Faulty logic, though it could be said the south could not have prospered without cheap or free labor. Not sure there were very blacks building the Erie Canal, transcontinental railroad, Hoover Dam and the like.
Blacks won WWII. Blacks put men on the moon. Blacks invented everything we have. Blacks are better than those evil, lily-white devils who are deserving of death and slavery. At least, that’s what blacks are being taught in government schools, churches and in movies and TV. I’m so sick of how gullible blacks are. I’m sick of how entitled they feel. I’m sick of the people who manipulate them.
Slavery always was a pretty stupid idea.
The Africans were selling the losers to the ragheads and the Portuguese – NOT the cream of the crop.
When African fought each other, the losers were taken as slaves and sold.
Same as the South American Indians.
Same as the Greeks.
Same as the Romans.
Same as the Scythians.
Same as the Parthians.
Same as the Belgae, Gauls, Teutons, Celts, Danes, Swedes, Finns, Chinks … blah, blah, blah … ad infinitum.
Slaves were ALWAYS those who LOST! LOSERS!
Lazy, demoralized, apathetic, cut off from kith and kin, hopeless, and lost.
People need to get a grip. We can’t follow what’s behind us! (John Kay)
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
If you oppose taking lovers of this degenerate filth of a country to the nearest lamppost, then I am the problem.
An absolutely perfect example of total Bigotry, Ignorance, Illiteracy. Hatred and Racism displayed right here in Our Country for all the world to see.
Got your message!
Now, Get the Fuck OUT! And, Never come back!…EVER!!!
In other words, go away and spit on somebody else’s National Anthem.
Angry… check
Black… check
Arrogant… check
Ignorant… check
Envious… check
Obese… check
Entitled… check
She can shove that microphone up her corpulent black ass… check
maybe someone will do one like ….
“Oh say can you see
no negros to curse our country?
hispanics are cool,
so are Asians, no fool.
Oh say does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave,
for every one … except those that prefer to stay slaves.”
… can’t you just hear the uproar?
She is filthy swine. But not even as useful as a pig.
like the black messiah said. “you can put lipstick on a pig, but its still a pig”
^^^^ but enough about Mike Obama
Ingratitude and resentment masquerading as concern is never pretty. Never. In fact trying to score woke points is always undignified. She can shove it up her black ass.
No talent butt fucking ugly cunt. They should have cut her mic.
I would say fuck her, but I wouldn’t do it with a borrowed dick.
Of course slaves know how to build shit…
just look at Africa.
Pillar of accomplishment
Exactly. Slaves owned nothing, probably not even their clothes and food provided by their masters.
What did slaves build? The wooden shacks they lived in, maybe. Not owning or building anything substantial is not their fault, it’s just part of being a slave.
We owed them nothing but their freedom. Paid in full by 1865. The strident ones can fuck off. Reparations is just a way for guilty liberals to feel better about themselves.
The fat pig bitch that invented her own words for our NA can get her fat arse back to the pig sty and stay there.
What slaves? Oh, you mean Taxpayers. Eat shit and die you worthless fuck.
Apparently blacks are still slaves. Okay, not ALL of them, but dare I say most of them. At least half. Their lives have little meaning outside of crying about injustice. Any day now their ‘repamations’ will come in the form of a giant Publishers Clearing house check with whites in tow ready to peel grapes and wave palm fronds while they suck on a coconut cocktail in a hammock. Sooner than that cocktail is finished there will exist a whole new set of oppression to complain about. The best country in the world has been gifted upon them and this is how they act. It’s the same country that has been gifted to ALL of us that are alive today. Only one group has a chip on their shoulders, there’s no reason to expect it to go away, at this point, regardless of how much pandering, white guilt, or black privilege exists. It might be easier to just make them actual slaves so their complaining will have merit because the carrot hasn’t worked.
But “BRILLIANT” people like
Will never understand what you’re talking about !
The South where 98% of slaves existed had just 20% of the nations industrial capacity.
Slaves made up just 2% of the population of the South.
99% of slaves were illiterate, had no education whatever, could not calculate and had limited access to rudimentary tools.
So we are somehow supposed to believe that an 2% population entirely devoid of skills, education, literacy, and access to technology built this great country.
As Dr. Evil would say: “Riiightt”
No reason to try to make sense of a racist ideologue.
She’s a rabid, ignorant racist who has no knowledge of History.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
After listening to Glen Campbell and Wayne Newton…..GROSS!
No talent over made up loser is a coward who will complain about this country non stop but never leave it.
“… who will complain about this country non stop but never leave it.”
She knows which side of the bread the butter is on.
She knows that Africa is Hell-on-Earth BECAUSE it’s inhabited by maggots like her.
No ticket to Wakanda for her!
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
fat ass needs to visit st louis, chicago, baltimore, oakland, memphis, or detroit to see what the black community has built for themselves
No Slaves Didn’t Build This Country
What they did build was generations of bastards, generations of welfare, and generations of illiteracy, and claim that their lives matter more than anyone else. Illiterate arrogance.
I wonder how people that feel this way would do with a mule and 40 acres.
Nothing else, that’s it, your own your own.
Most likely outcome they would starve if they didn’t freeze first.
Look at the angry indoctrination Disney is teaching kids in cartoons now.
Look at the angry indoctrination Disney is teaching kids in cartoons now.
slave descendents are destroying America
The thought is black labor-white wealth. Enslaved Africans in America built this country. Without the labor this country would not have been built. Faulty logic, though it could be said the south could not have prospered without cheap or free labor. Not sure there were very blacks building the Erie Canal, transcontinental railroad, Hoover Dam and the like.
Blacks won WWII. Blacks put men on the moon. Blacks invented everything we have. Blacks are better than those evil, lily-white devils who are deserving of death and slavery. At least, that’s what blacks are being taught in government schools, churches and in movies and TV. I’m so sick of how gullible blacks are. I’m sick of how entitled they feel. I’m sick of the people who manipulate them.
Slavery always was a pretty stupid idea.
The Africans were selling the losers to the ragheads and the Portuguese – NOT the cream of the crop.
When African fought each other, the losers were taken as slaves and sold.
Same as the South American Indians.
Same as the Greeks.
Same as the Romans.
Same as the Scythians.
Same as the Parthians.
Same as the Belgae, Gauls, Teutons, Celts, Danes, Swedes, Finns, Chinks … blah, blah, blah … ad infinitum.
Slaves were ALWAYS those who LOST! LOSERS!
Lazy, demoralized, apathetic, cut off from kith and kin, hopeless, and lost.
People need to get a grip. We can’t follow what’s behind us! (John Kay)
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
If you oppose taking lovers of this degenerate filth of a country to the nearest lamppost, then I am the problem.
An absolutely perfect example of total Bigotry, Ignorance, Illiteracy. Hatred and Racism displayed right here in Our Country for all the world to see.
Got your message!
Now, Get the Fuck OUT! And, Never come back!…EVER!!!
In other words, go away and spit on somebody else’s National Anthem.