No surprise. Bernie Sanders described by his staff as an a**holish pr*ck – IOTW Report

No surprise. Bernie Sanders described by his staff as an a**holish pr*ck

daniel greenfield-

This is bad. But not surprising.

Bernie Sanders, like Michael Moore, Ralph Nader, and most lefties, is a terrible boss.

He’s “a prick” and “an assh*le” to his staff, known as “a screamer and a table-banger.”

For these reasons, Jaffe said the word some people used to describe Sanders’ attitude toward his employees was “abusive.”

Commonplace in leftyworld, where there’s a wide gap between leadership making six figures and an endless roster of unpaid interns, but this is retaliation over working conditions complaints by the candidate who wants to make corporate abuses into his cause.

An anonymous unfair labor practice charge against Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) 2020 presidential campaign alleges that at least three staffers were fired from the team for their involvement in organizing and labor activities, according to a redacted copy of the charge obtained by Bloomberg Law.

The charge, which was filed with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) by a former campaign employee on July 22, also alleges that the campaign violated a collective bargaining agreement with unionized workers by making staffers work additional days and failing to provide commensurate days off. 

When the individual asked the campaign to abide by the terms of the collective bargaining agreement, management retaliated, the charge alleges.

The complaint states,
The employer failed to notify us upon hire that we had a CBA and maintained that we were “at-will.” Employer violated the CBA by requiring additional work days, and failing to provide days off as required. Employer further violated the CBA in multiple ways, and the Union did nothing (I will be filing a DFR against them).

That would suggest that the Sanders union operated much like unions in the USSR.


24 Comments on No surprise. Bernie Sanders described by his staff as an a**holish pr*ck

  1. “I’m shocked!”
    “SHOCKED! I tell ya!”

    A greasy-ass totalitarian asshole prick who’s a prick AND an asshole?

    Yeah … shocked … I’d heard that Stalin and Hitler were really nice …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Just like the Obamboozler, this Commie Prick never worked a real job or ran a business in his miserable, free-loading life! If he had he would know that you can’t get away acting like that!
    That cartoon Mr Nightshade is older than a half century, but completely accurate! It reinforces a point I brought up in 2007 when Revrum Wright´s “God-Damn America”-hating, Communist-Organizing, Marxist Muzlim Mallard was prancing around the 57 states telling everybody that he was going to fundamentally transform the United States.
    My point was WHY???
    We became the most powerful, the most productive, the most wealthy, the most generous nation on the face of the Earth that can feed the world through Freedom and Capitalism. WHY do we need to fundamentally transform THAT?!?!?!?
    Well the reason is that all the other “Isms” simply cannot compete, so instead of rising up to meet the challenge, they need to do everything they can to bring us down to their level of SUCK!
    It’s just that simple!

  3. Just more proof that this country has descended so deeply into the bowels of the the toilet that a huge cabal of idiot Africans, misfits, dirt bags, fags, liars, cheats, plagiarizers, assholes, race baiters/haters, warped feminists and leftist corrupt Democrats all believe that he/she/it should run to be the next president of the United States!

  4. It’s the old socialist/communist bait and switch.

    “Give us power and we’ll give you everything you need and you’ll live happily ever after in the socialist paradise”.

    After they grab power: “We’re shipping you and five million others to the north to dig a canal between Murmansk and Archangel. We have no tools, so expect to use your hands. You’ll likely be done in two, maybe three months. Be at the train station promptly at 5am tomorrow. Any questions?”

  5. @bongo.
    True believers in the hype and hope of socialism.
    Absolutely no knowledge of the facts about how it always turns out.

    The marxists embedded in Hollywood and academia have delivered these wide eyed, gullible idiots ad willing foot soldiers to the movement. Perhaps it’s best that they witness the sham early on.

    Kind of what happened to me. I volunteered for a solar power event back in 1977-78 when attending GWU. What I witnessed working on K Street was a bunch of self serving assholes and when the dough ran out the hired professionals scampered. Truly horrible people.

    Way early on i was also wide eyed and gullible. Now im a snarling conservative prick. Hahaha. Not really. But these kids are getting a heapin helpin of reality.

  6. TRF

    “We became the most powerful, the most productive, the most wealthy, the most generous nation on the face of the Earth that can feed the world through Freedom and Capitalism. WHY do we need to fundamentally transform THAT?!?!?!?”

    We’re not the ones trying to transform. The hostile, jealous, powermongering tribe that is in COMPLETE control of our cultural narratives through media and entertainment is who is trying to transform us…from strong into weak so that they can assume total control. It’s so obvious, yet I’ll be dismissed as a tin-hat nutbag for such a statement, even on here.

  7. Westray – So I’m not sure I completely understand… read my post again. I did not say that we were the ones trying to transform anything. I said the Obamboozler said that, however I think we are basically saying the same thing.
    And no, yer not a tin-hat nutbag anymore than I am.

  8. One would think these would interns consider how he would act if (by some miracle) he were elected president and promptly defect to the R side. But no, they’ll find another candidate to support who would abuse them similarly, like Amy Klobuchar.

  9. TRF,

    I’m not disagreeing with you. I’m saying that true Americans don’t need to transform into anything. We are the best ever. Period. We are not trying to transform either. Our ONE problem right now is that a hostile group, living more or less anonymously among us, is in control of our cultural trends. We hardly know it. And they are heading us into doom, patiently, deftly, and through narrative shift, not violence or overt legislation. They are transforming us while simultaneously convincing the left half of us that we indeed need transformation when we certainly don’t

  10. He’s “a prick” and “an assh*le” to his staff, known as “a screamer and a table-banger.”

    They must like the abuse because they are trying to get him elected. I think the whiners have it ass backwards. They must like being treaty poorly. I wouldn’t stick around for 1 minutes other than to say kiss my butt Sanders.


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