No, The Brazilian Government Has Not Permitted the Killing of Motorcycle Thieves – IOTW Report

No, The Brazilian Government Has Not Permitted the Killing of Motorcycle Thieves

But the video is still entertaining.

The problem with street justice is that you don’t know the full story when you make that decision to flatten who you believe are motorcycle thieves.

They might not be. “Might.”

16 Comments on No, The Brazilian Government Has Not Permitted the Killing of Motorcycle Thieves

  1. I recall a news story from the 80’s about the youth gangs in Brazil. The young offenders, street kids, many orphans, and as young as 10, were blatantly robbing, pick pocketing, purse snatching, etc. to the point that people were avoiding the area altogether. The merchants were suffering big losses and pooled their efforts and sent hit squads out at night to deal with the vermin. I can see us devolving to that point, and not too far off.

  2. I remember when I was in college in the 80s a friend was talking about how Hell’s Angels gangs would surround a big rig, the ones in front would slow down until the truck driver stopped. His uncle (I think) was one – but when the bikers in front of him started slowing down he downshifted and floored it. Getting closer and closer to the nervous bikers, they finally got out of the way. Word got out, and they didn’t have that problem anymore.
    Same here, if word gets out that this is what you need to do then people will do it – although not everyone will.
    Same as with 9/11 – although stricter measures were put into place to protect the flight deck, the passengers now have a 9/12 mentality of not letting someone take control of a plane in flight.

  3. The criminal justice system was put in place as much to protect the criminals from the citizens as to do the reverse. Unfortunately the communists have taken this too far and have begun ardently protecting the criminals while ignoring the citizens. Couple this with their long expressed desire to disarm the citizen while allowing the criminal to remain armed and we have our modern set up. The answer of course is to remain armed, and rip the communists out root and branch.

  4. Bet they don’t go out of there way to find out who’s running over them though. All it takes is a government that rejects the concept of using law enforcement to protect the “rights” of criminal assholes to target the otherwise law abiding public. In the US and Europe, LEOs are often ordered to protect asshole criminals from their victims using nigger logic.

  5. Different Tim, @2:41 –
    I’ve been hijacked, it pisses me off just as much as it does y’all –
    I’m in Pakistan now, looking for the little bastard, I’ll be sure to post photos of the disemboweling.

    Outdoor John is a good man – bfh

  6. The Brazilian Gooberment may not have passed a law, permitting this running over of bikes and bikers…..but I think the average person doesn’t give a wrinkle on a fat rat’s ass. ‘Bout time the citizens asserted their inalienable rights to life and property.
    Watching this again & again, and giggling like a little schoolgirl.
    With the grainy quality of those videos, the cars & drivers will never be ID’d. GOOD!


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