No Wonder They Are Such Sneaky Pests – IOTW Report

No Wonder They Are Such Sneaky Pests

Crows and monkeys aren’t the only tool-using animals.

Well, except humans. But watch this:

45 Comments on No Wonder They Are Such Sneaky Pests

  1. Willys starting early tonite?
    Please show me your playslip with #21 to win…
    I’ll wait.

    As for Raccoons, I used to fish on the jetties at Panama City Beach.
    The little bastard sneaked up through the rocks and ate all my shrimp bait!

  2. Aaaaawwww! Trash pandas sure are cute. But nasty. Really, really nasty. I was walking the dogs one evening when a raccoon exited out of a nearby storm drain drain. The stink coming off that thing would knock a buzzard off a shit wagon.

  3. Lessee….Loco’s picks finished 8th and 16th respectively and that pays exactly NOTHING….strange how he didn’t mention that….Sense of humor costs a buck and you’re 25 to 1 to invest in it….LOL…

  4. Willys, Zandon came in third.
    I had him across the board so I did cover some of my bets.

    Find me a gambler that always wins not named Pelosi or biden*
    Likewise 150,000 people at the Derby were stunned as well.

    Not that I have to answer to you, I bet you are so tight you squeak.
    “Ohh, I can’t gamble, I’m a sour bitch…”

  5. Covered some of your bets?….what did you walk out with cash in your top pocket?….Winner or loser?…..I’m thinking you lost money because otherwise you’s have been shoving your gambling genius down our throats….No biggy, I don’t gamble because I just don’t gamble….never been bored enough….I’d rather fish or hunt turkeys….

  6. Burr, I think it’s lasted longer than four hours so Willys needs an actual doctor, not a witch-doctor or Jill biden*

    BTW, did I call it or did I call it? .. tightasses do not ever gamble.
    It would crush their souls if they lost a nickle.
    I know the type. Talk about boring!

  7. Of course if anyone wants to go back to last year, the 2021 Derby you will find me saying prior to the race that the #8 horse Medina Spirit would win, it is there plain as day.
    Not BSing, I called it straight out and did indeed brag about it.

    Of course the horse was later DQ’d but all bets on it were paid!

  8. Burr….I’m very concerned that Loco has gambled away all of his money when he still owes you for your voodoo supplies….My concern is for your economics….Plus, your voodoo supplies didn’t help him win The Kentucky Derby gambling experience, so I think you have might some warranty issues….

  9. Willys, do you at least drink?

    Me, I’m getting ready to head out for a night of Texas Hold’em here in Vegas.
    When you land a hand that can’t be beat and motherfuckers are still raising you is one of the greatest rushes of endorphins you can have.

    I suppose you just don’t get it?

  10. No one here has ever bought VooDoo supplies from me.

    Not even as a defense against ME.

    Boggles the mind.

    I just wish you would remind us all what your beef is with Loco. It’s been goin’ on so long most of us have forgotten it’s origins.

  11. SOOOOOO, Medina Spirit, not recognized as the Kentucky Derby winner, didn’t win the Kentucky Derby because he was doped up?….Makes sense….

    Gambling isn’t about being tight assed it’s about being boring…..Gambling is boring to me….HEH!….

  12. Burr, I would buy VooDoo from you.
    I love OUIJA, Tarot, Talisman, Greegree etc.
    Nawlins holds a special place as well.

    I’m a numerologist myself.
    I’ve dreamt the future correctly on several occasions.
    I’ve come in contact with actual ghosts and witnessed UFO’s.
    I’ve been around…

  13. FYI, the drug is legally used but can’t be in the blood after a race.
    If it helps during a race how can you use it during training?
    The horse wasn’t fucking Lance Armstrong.

    M-S finished first and paid for finishing first…all that matters to a gambler.
    BTW, the horse has passed so please do not speak ill of the dead les you find a horse head in your bed…

  14. Burr….I got no grudge with Loco. He’s just a thin skinned lizard with the humor of a thrice disturbed bull snake….ask him about his problem with me or just call up your voodoo bits and tea leaves….

    I dunno, it was something about Tse Tse flies….

  15. Loco….How do you know that Medina Spirit didn’t die (at 3 years old???) of covid….Yeah, that drug he was on was beneficial!!!!????

  16. Me not having a sense of humor based on the fact that YOU can’t meme, snark, joke, or amuse with even a hint of clever nuance?


    I am quite confident that the regular posters here on iotw are aware of my snarky sense of humor.
    Dude, you are jousting at windmills here…

  17. Handicapping horses is boring. But rewarding.

    I just wish I could win at poker. No idea what the trick is. My old man was a damn shark at poker. But, he was suuuper smart and math and detail orientated.

    I play with some friends occasionally. I win if I stick around long enough for everyone to get buzzed and play sloppy. But there’s one guy who consistently wins. Gotta’ be some card countin’ deal.

    I play normal, odds based poker. “Well, I got a crap hand, sooo most likely one of these other fellows has a good hand.” You toos some, you get some, you make the best of it. This one guy though….fuggin’ card magnet. He’s not cheating or anything, he’s just seeing a whole lot I aint.

  18. Seriously Willys, you have me punching well below my weight class and I feel it’s going to make me look like a bully going forward.

    I don’t need any more enemies, especially those that don’t measure up.
    Cool it and I will.
    Seriously dude…

  19. True Loco, You are special and I am humbled by your snarkiness…..COMEDY GOLD JERRY!!!!!….Just don’t follow his horse betting tips….

  20. Card counting?
    In Blackjack perhaps.

    Be it Omaha or Texas Hold’em, luck plays a big role.
    Some nights it might be a 17% chance I make a hand and sure enough it happens.
    If you play “no limit” shit gets crazy.
    Assholes with nothing bluff by laying down big money.
    Of course if you call them they look like they saw a ghost…

  21. “Seriously Willys, you have me punching well below my weight class and I feel it’s going to make me look like a bully going forward.

    I don’t need any more enemies, especially those that don’t measure up.
    Cool it and I will.
    Seriously dude…”…..

    You’ve become delusionally insane Loco… what you wrote tomorrow when you sober up….

  22. Luck?

    :sputter sputter cough cough:

    This is an outrage. Luck is useless. I need to have my perspicacity and diligence rewarded. Luck is for bad pilots, student drivers and promiscuous virgins. I need hard data. Statistical charts. POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS.

  23. There is nothing but a bit of luck in Texas hold em.(gambling requires luck)….it’s all percentages and how you can crank it into your cranium while forcing others to abide your will……

  24. See, the percentages I get. That’s how everyone plays. I’m just supposed to believe it’s luck some mofo can pull cards he needs?

    No way. In chess it’s all there before you. You lose by missed opportunity. But it’s all right there in front of you. It has to be the same with cards. There’s only 52 of the greasy bastards. It just seems I can’t see all the potential combinations of winning hands the way I can see 4 or 5 moves ahead in chess.

    It’s the puzzle aspect of it I find so damn maddening.

  25. Cool Burr, Let’s go play golf. I’m assuming your a 10 handicap and I’m a 22 with a legitimate paralyzed leg…..So you owe me 12 golf strokes per side….

    I know a friend of a friend that has bad teeth, he’s a house painter and seemingly a bit dim witted, but he goes and enters a $100 buck texas hold em and comes home with pretty good cash. Last time he bought home over $5800….

    I’m theorizing that if you have the patience to paint the trim in a house then you can be a Texas Hold Em svengali….I might be wrong but Loco is giving me 6 to 1 odds….

  26. I already kick ass at golf. Because I’ve discovered it’s secret.

    I will figure this poker crap out. I have a calculator and graph paper.


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