A Nobel laureate who supported President Obama in his first presidential campaign now says the Democratic president is “dead wrong” on global warming.
“I think Obama is a clever person, but he gets bad advice. Global warming is all wet.”
His recommendation? “I would say that global warming basically is a non-problem. Just leave it alone and it will take care of itself,” he said.
“Obama said last year that 2014 is the hottest year ever. But it’s not true. It’s not the hottest,” Mr. Giaever said, arguing that the mean global temperature has not risen in nearly 19 years.
He cited data showing from 1898 to 1998, the global temperature increased by about 0.8 degrees Fahrenheit, arguing, “I think the temperature has been amazingly stable.”
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By “clever”, I’m sure he means what every other obama voter describes as “practical.” So-called global warming is easily disproved and when the flock gets tired of dancing around that May pole — as they do with everything else (gluten-free, too, shall pass), none of them will acknowledge the terrible regulatory toll nor the social engineering that was promulgated by it.
“I think obama is a clever person”
stop right there!
just another dead horse being beaten by the msm.
jarret might be somewhat smart but her boy obama is definitely a few bricks short of a load.
Clever Obama like Clever Hans. Getting his cues from his masters.
Obama and the Pope.
How can someone be smart enough to be a Nobel science laureate and still be an Obama supporter?
interesting to see who goes ‘out’ and plainly says “the real data says such and such and there is irrefutable proof the global warming data was fake.” (ted cruz)
And then see who goes out and parrots the same doom porn schtick they’ve been saying for years as if there was no leak that the data was faked and that there is no-one with high levels of credibility saying the temps are stable. (0bama)
Really shows the level to which there is just so much blatant, shameless, obvious propaganda even from the top.
Bill, this guy chose “clever” intentionally. He is damning Obama with faint praise…
“Clever may seem like a compliment, but this adjective boasts a rather broad range of meanings—from “intelligent” and “imaginative” to “calculating” or “contrived.”
Mr. Giaever is a homicidal racist for wanting Obama to not only be wrong, but also dead, and calling him a “monger” as well. That word just has to be racist as hell, and I am sure Reverend Sharton will inform us of that fact.
Big ‘Whoop’, that observation could be made about everything Obunghole says and does: ‘wrong and fearmongering’!
gotta wonder if this guy was smart enough to get financially secure before sensationally ending his career ?