“Nobody has ever complied their way out of totalitarianism” -RFK jr – IOTW Report

“Nobody has ever complied their way out of totalitarianism” -RFK jr

Everyone should listen to this. This is not a conservative, or right-winger. This is a legacy democrat who speaks the truth about government totalitarianism, and will point it out when seeing it coming from his own side.

10 Comments on “Nobody has ever complied their way out of totalitarianism” -RFK jr

  1. It would appear Mr. Kennedy’s mom didn’t participate in the family tradition of drinking an enormous amounts of alcohol and taking copious quantities of various drugs while pregnant.

  2. But we’re not complying! We’re voating! Harderer!

    According to the rule of the regime’s law! For the candidates approved for listing by the regime! To be counted by the regime! And, if needed, according to the rule of the regime’s law, to be canceled!

    So we’re not complying! We’re not aiding! We’re not abetting! We’re patriots! We’re an heroes!

  3. The gub’mint has gone too far (as usual) this time by coming after America’s children. Mothers and fathers will be the brick wall that puts a stop to this madness.


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