Milo: The Hermit Kingdom’s state media issued a harsh rebuke to President Donald Trump, calling for his death just days after he made reference to the dictator’s pudgy, diminutive stature.

“Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me ‘old,’ when I would NEVER call him ‘short and fat’?’ Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend – and maybe someday that will happen,” wrote the U.S. president, whose remarks were considered a rebuttal to the communist dictator’s usage of the word “dotard” (an archaic term for “senile”) in reference to Trump.
Poor rittle rorry porry.
The fat short bastard must be a Korean snowflake.
He didn’t call him short and fat… He could have.
Bring it on Fatso.
They don’t have mirrors in NOKO?
No one has the heart to tell him that Kim is a girl’s name.
Hmmmmmmm……. Should our Prez call for the death of Rocket Boy — with a brilliantly precise drone strike — for the silly “dotard” insult? Ah, be still my heart! ….Lady in Red
Lil’ Kim may not have realized he was Homely, Trump should be ashamed of himself for Hurting that Boys Feelings !!!
Waiting for the Trump tweet that says
“Hey, Kim: who does your hair…Stihl?!”
Short Fat Wa
“No one has the heart to tell him that Kim is a girl’s name.”
Kim is his last (family) name. Names are ordered like we do here on government forms, just lacking the comma.
He should have called him Rosie ODonnell and let it go at that!
Dear Kim: I’m sorry I hurt your feelings by calling you short and fat; I thought you knew!
Trump indicated that he would never call rocket boy short and fat. Why not accept Trump at his word?
All the insults go ONE WAY, and as soon as it goes in the other direction once in a while, the excuses and threats pour out.
He’s not short and fat?
Just call him Chunk Style.
I imagine the poor guy who translate/interpret Trump’s tweets to the NoKos…
Ok, then how about a Bulbus Pustule?
The Norks praise him for being the shortest and fattest
yo momma
Lowell. Thanks, Captain.
For the purpose of an insult, I’m not sure that matters.
He could call him Kimberly from here on out and joke about how every time he launched a missile it must be Kimberly’s time of the month.
All that matters is that he feels insulted.
They could call me PingChingChao and I wouldn’t GAF until I knew it was meant as an insult.
The real reason that President Trump was sentenced to death by ladder man, he stole the rubber ducky from his bathtub!
Trump was wrong on this one. Kim is short, fat, narcissistic, stupid and evil. Although maybe Trump was just preserving his Twitter characters.
The comment had to do with with Kim being vertically challenged, he is entirely too short for his weight!
Trump forget to add UGLY.
I doubt he eats “bread + tatters”.